The letters

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~3 days after the soldiers left, 4 more until they return.~

(Y/N) had a small stack of papers on her desk. Ever since Laurens left for the war, she had written to him, and he wrote back. It was August, the days were warm, the nights were cool.

August 24th, 1771. 

Dear Laurens,

I hope you're doing well! I know its only been merely a day, but I miss you so much already! Tell Lafayette, Mulligan, and everyone else I send my regards. Everything here is normal, but it's a lot better when you're around. The girls and I have been spending a lot of time together. British money is the only thing a lot of stores uptown are allowing now. It's pretty dumb. When you win this, make sure they say they'll stop with all this british money crap. I miss you so much, and I love you. Stay safe!

Love, (Y/N).

It was hard not to cry as (Y/N) was writing that first letter. She was worried that something was going to happen, even though she knew it would all be okay. 

August 25th, 1771.

Dear (Y/N),

 Everything has been going as planned! No fatal injuries so far, just some bruises here and there. It's our second day, and I heard it's going well up at Long Island. Everything here has been fine. I miss you too, and I hope you're doing good! I miss our late nights in the tavern, and I can't wait until we can have another one!

Sincerely, John Laurens.

(Y/N) marked another day off her calendar. It was August 26th, the soldiers were supposed to return on the 30th, and they left on the 23th.

August 26th,1771.

Dear John,

I'm glad everything has been going as planned! I can't wait to see you again! Only four more days! Oh, so there is also something I need to tell you. It's not exactly a good thing to me, but it's nothing to worry about. It's just a personal thing that I've never told you. Anyway, I love you so much, and I miss you!

Love, (Y/N).

(A/N: Just letting you guys know the year of all of this stuff isnt historically accurate, but just go with it! Especially for the next few chapters, the year is completely  off and I know, but just go with it for the stories sake XD)


August 27th, 1771. ~John's POV~

I was in South Carolina now, we were riding on our horses towards the british camp, are weapons loaded and ready. I missed (Y/N). I didn't get a chance to write back to her, which disappointed me, so I'd have to write back later. We had our plan for this attack. Ride our horses to the camp, surround them and keep them there. It was the redcoats that were to come in if needed in attacks, and since our other soldiers were attacking up at Long Island, these guys would go run off and help, which would leave us outnumbered, and we can't have that happening. I would be able to see (Y/N) in three days. Just three more, and then I'd be able to go home and run up to her and hug her, and hold her, and kiss her. I missed her hugs, and her kisses, and the way she'd cuddle up next to me when I was next to her. I pushed the thought away, I needed to stay focused on this mission, we couldn't afford to mess it up. We rode our horses through a forest. I was leading a troop of 30 soldiers, not counting myself. We were told that the camp had 20 british soldiers in it, so we should be okay. Our horses raced down the small, narrow path that led to the camp. We could hear talking in the distance, which turned to shouting. The british could hear us, and knew we were coming. I could tell they were in a panick. It made me feel confident knowing that we caught them off guard. It'd be more easier to fight them when they weren't prepared. We were ready to take our horses by the reins and make the redcoats redder with bloodstains. We weren't gonna stop until we made them drop and burn em' up and scatter their remains!

(A/N: I had to XD)

We got to the camp. Redcoats scattered everywhere, collecting their guns. We jumped off our horses and ducked behind tents. Gunshots fired, blood was shed, injuries were sustained, but we were winning. At one point I was hiding behind a tent, to fix my gun. I watched the clearing. There were very few redcoats left, and only a few fallen bluecoats. just then, I felt something tap on my shoulder. I turned around and a gunshot was fired....

And everything went black.

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