Author's Note

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Alright, so those of you who have actually played this game, or at least are familiar with it and watched playthroughs, I'm sorry to say that the choices you encounter will not be exactly like those of the game.

For example, sometimes saying certain things to a certain character or responding to them in a particular way changes the outcome and your ending. However, I was not able to do this for many of the scenarios because then I would end up having like 600 chapters or something by the end due to all the different choices, and things would just get really confusing for me.

I hope you "Die-hard Ib fans" can forgive me for not making my book as amazing as the game itself, but I tried to do my best.

Another thing; Some of the chapters will have the same names as others. This is because, depending on what choice you make, you will have to eventually go back and solve the other puzzles you missed before, which means that you'll have to retrace your steps and yeah... It's complicated... And confusing...

Also, if something doesn't make sense; my writing, spelling, the chapter's order, or something like that, please let me know so that I may either fix the problem or write in a way to explain better.

I really hope that you enjoy this story though, and that it doesn't suck too badly...

Anyways... thanks for reading!! It means a lot!!!

Good luck, Ib...

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