Part 8 - The Blue Key

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I held the rose in my hand. Thankfully, it's thorns weren't sharp. It really was a beautiful rose. It's three petals looked so delicate though. It must be losing life from being in the empty vase. I should try and find a vase that has water in it...

I tried to push the table, and to my astonishment, it moved! It had looked pretty heavy before. I slowly opened the blue door, and entered in...

When I entered, I almost stumbled back in shock. There before me, was a huge portrait of a long haired, smiling woman. There was a big, plaque underneath, so I read it. "When the rose ???s, so too will you ??? away." Some of the words I didn't know...

I turned back and glanced at the floor... there was a blue key! I picked it up. When I picked it up, the woman in the portrait moved!

 When I picked it up, the woman in the portrait moved!

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I looked up at her. She smiled widely and her eyes opened big. I ran out the door in fright, but what greeted me out there, might've been worse...

Huge, red letters were everywhere... all along the hallway... T-H-I-E-F-T-H-I-E-F-T-H-I-E-F!!! "I'm not a thief!!!" I shouted to the emptiness. But was I? I had taken the rose... and the key...

I ran down the hall, past all the red letters

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I ran down the hall, past all the red letters. I came to the hallway once again with the lava and water paintings. The stairs had disappeared... so I guess there was only one way to go.

I went down the hallway with the lava painting and walked quickly. When I went down the hall, the blue door was waiting. It was locked. I glanced at the key in my hand, and put it in the keyhole.

I heard a click. I held my breath, and slowly turned the knob, and walked in.

I was led to a big, green room, with paintings of different bugs on the wall. A ladybug, a bee, a butterfly, and a spider. I glanced around and saw a little speck on the ground... I glanced closer. It was an ant.

 It was an ant

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"i'm an ant." Said the ant.

But ants can't talk... I thought to myself.

"i love paintings. my painting is especially cool." Continued the ant. "i'd like to see it again, but it's kind of far away..."

I decided to leave the strange talking ant, and to continue along. There was a hallway directly in front of me and in the front of it was another plaque. There was also a hallway to my right, where the ant was facing. Which way should I go?

If you want to go to the right, go to Part 9
If you want to go forward, go to Part 10

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