Part 44 - Carrie Careless

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I walked over to a random book on one of the shelves and started looking.

I had to find that key if I wanted to get out of here...

I looked at the title of the book I had picked up. "The Girls in the Canvas".

I started flipping through the pages, hoping to find some indication that the key might be stuck between one of them.

I stopped suddenly when I noticed a section that peaked my interest. I began reading:

The women here become very ??? once they ??? a desire for humans. They'll always ??? chase things until they're satisfied, it seems... Anywhere, everywhere, to the ends of the earth... But if they have one weakness, it's that they can't open doors on their own."

I didn't know some of the words, but it was enough to confirm my theory that the pictures couldn't open doors due to their lower half's being stuck in the frame.

However, one thing that caused me to pale was the mention of "women". Plural. There were more...

I shivered out of fear as I placed the book back on the shelf. More Ladies in Red? Would I constantly be chased by these creatures?

I shook the thought from my head as I turned to find a new book to search.

As I passed through the shelves, scanning the covers of the books, one of the book's spines caught my eye. The title of it was, "Guertena". I slipped the book from the shelf and opened it up.

It was simply filled with various drawings by Guertena. Some of his designs looked familiar to his artwork I'd seen in the gallery previously, but there was clearly no key hidden in the pages, so I put the book away.

I moved to my right and scanned the area when I saw a piece of paper sticking out in between two books. I reached for it and pulled it out as I read, "H A V I N G F U N ?"

"Having... fun?"

What type of a sick joke was this? Having fun? Of course I'm not having fun!

In fury, I crinkled the paper and threw it to the corner of the room. After my rage had settling enough for me to think straight, I walked to a different section of shelves to continue searching...

"Art Galleries of the World" read one cover. It was filled with pictures of various galleries. Honestly though, I'd had enough of galleries so I placed the book back on the shelf.

After maybe twenty minutes of searching book after book for the key, I came across a particular one that looked extremely out of place...

It's spine was colorful yet worn, and it seemed like it hadn't been made very well in the first place...

I pulled it carefully from the shelf.

"Moving Storybook", I read aloud. "Written/Drawn by XXXX -Carrie Careless and the Galette des Rois-"

I shrugged. Wouldn't hurt to look.

I opened the book and peered inside find it was a storybook drawn in crayon. It looked like it was made by a child such as myself...

(A/N) I figured instead of me having to write out all the details and such, it might be better for you to just watch it yourself! It'd be more boring anyway if I just wrote it, so go ahead and watch the video below to see what Ib read.

Somehow I got so drawn into the twisted story, that I hadn't noticed a key fall from the pages until the story was done...

Strange... I thought.

I picked up the key slowly and walked toward the door at the end of the room. I was happy though to finally leave the room of books and get back to finding a way to escape.

When I stepped out into the next room, I saw two tables; one with a book and quill upon it, while the other held a blue vase. In between the two tables was a painting titled, "Eternal Blessing".

The painting itself seemed to mimic the blue vase on the table, except for the fact that the painting also contained a flower of sorts with one petal clinging onto the stem

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The painting itself seemed to mimic the blue vase on the table, except for the fact that the painting also contained a flower of sorts with one petal clinging onto the stem.

As I approached the tables and painting, I looked at the vase on the table, then glanced to the rose I had placed in my pocket.

I had almost forgotten... I've been looking for water to replenish my rose before it wilted.

I carefully pulled the rose from my pocket and placed in into the vase. My eyes widened in surprised when I noticed that my rose, previously containing only two petals, had just blossomed fully and replaced all of it's petals once again...

Somehow, I also felt a burst of energy surge through me. It was almost as if now that the rose had been replenished, I too had healed...

I picked up the rose and stuck the stem in my pocket, but left the petals out so that they wouldn't be damaged.

As I glanced around the room, I realized I was once again faced with a choice... Right or left?

(A/N) Assume that Ib is facing towards the painting...
So Right would be this way ->
And Left would be this way <-

If you wish to go Right, then read Part 45
If you wish to go Left, then read Part 46

(DISCONTINUED) Ib - An RPG Horror Game Story (Choices)Where stories live. Discover now