Part 56 - Stools and Easels

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Garry and I went through the door in the hallway branching out. Once we went through, I stood wide-eyed as I gazed at what seemed to be an endless supply of easels and wooden stools.

 I looked up at Garry to see what the adult made of the situation.

He tapped his chin lightly and took in his surroundings. "It seems to be some type of puzzle." He pondered. "I think we have to move the obstacles and make our way to the end of the room."

As he said that, he pointed to the other side of the big room, where I saw a painting of some sort of bottle. I nodded in agreement... only... how to go about this...

I looked around and noticed two wooden stools next to me. One was to my right, while the other was to my left. I could move the left one forward, and the right one I could move further right. Which one should I move?

(A/N) Wish me luck, reader. It's beginning to become complicated to figure out which part leads where. Keep in mind, I very well could've just skipped the whole puzzle solving portion here, but nah, I love you guys too much.

Anyways, if you want to move the left stool forward, read Part 60
If you want to move the right stool to the right, read Part 61

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