Chapter 13- Warmth

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Chapter 13 - Warmth


    My eyes slowly opened to the TV screen rolling the credits for Indiana Jones. Finn was next to me, balled up in the blanket and his arms enveloped around me. I glanced over at the clock, only to realize I had to get home, about 3 hours ago. Damn it.

    "Finn... Finn?" I whispered, he groaned quietly and embedded his head into my chest which made his grip around me tighter. "Finn, I have to go." I pried his hands off of me and slowly started tip toeing out of his house. The scent of his strong cologne had rubbed off on me, but I admired the way it made me feel safe and cozy. I was still quite drenched from when Finn and I were outside in the rain, but the soaked cotton pressing up against my skin gave me good memories of what happened earlier today. The purple skies were slowly turning pitch black and I nervously called Noah, considering I was mad at him, but he was still my best friend. I knew I could trust him and count on him.

    I impatiently waited for the humming tone on my phone to go away and then finally I heard Noah's voice on the other line.

    "Hello?" Noah said quietly.

    "Hey.. Noah. It's getting dark and I am scared to walk home alone." I sniffled. He arrived within five minutes of my call.

    Noah pulled up in the driveway with his parent's car, I shifted myself to the passenger seat and I quietly nodded my head at him.

    "Look, I am sorry, Mills." He broke the silence, causing my spine to shiver with anxiety.

    "Can you please take me home, Noah? My parents expected me home at 5 and I am already late." I looked at him coldly, which cause his gaze to silently break away from me.

    "You know what? No." He turned the engine off of his car, here we were sitting in the driveway. And in any waking second, Finn could come outside to a vehicle witnessing a boy who likes me to be sitting cozily in a car with me. Well, at least he'd think it was cozy because it sure as hell wasn't.

    "Forget about it, I am calling someone else to take me home." I started to struggle clicking off my seat belt, which caused my face to redden in embarrassment.

    "Millie.." He put his hand on mine as I still struggled to take off my seat belt.

    "This damn car. Damn it!" I slapped the dashboard out of frustration.

    "Millie! It's okay." He squeezed my hand, his touch always made my anxiety go from 100% to 35%, "Just talk to me, please."

"Why? Why, me? Why, now?!" I blurted out.

"Oh god damn it, Mills! It's always been you... Not now, not a few days ago. From the day, you moved here. And from the day you became my first real friend." He sighed, hitting the wheel out of frustration.

"We were 9, Noah! Get over it!" I yelled out of frustration. Why was all of this coming upon me now? Just when I thought I was happy, with the boy I liked for years, and now I find out my best friend has loved me. I was bothered by the tiniest bit of mascara smeared on the left side of my face. "All of this is making me upset, Noah."

"You're sad? I never stood a chance, did I?" His voice broke, and I immediately shot my face towards him. I heard his words echo in my mind, making my heart almost pound out of my body.

"Yes, I am sad. And the sad part is - you did once stand a chance." I stuttered.

"W-what?" The grip of his hand on mine, loosened, and slowly released. His face looked hurt, and he spoke quietly. "Then why him? He hasn't stood by your side until now. His ego was fed all those years you were in love with him and he kept leaving you unanswered. And during those years, you cried about it to me. And then the day, you miraculously let go of your feelings for him, he decided to have feelings for you too. Finn's my best friend, but he's an egotistical freak!  Hearing you cry about him and saying how much you loved him.  It broke my heart, loving you and caring for you all those years broke my heart. And I broke my own heart by loving you." He began to get teary eyed.

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