Chapter 10- What Did I Just See?

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Chapter 10- What did I just see?


I glared at Sadie, as she bragged about Finn and his amazing features. She wrapped her arms around him, which seemed friendly to everyone else but me. She gazed at him with her obnoxious green eyes which projected cloying vapidity until he says a joke which made her simper softly to giggle like a three year old. But- I can't do anything about it. I was just starting to warm up to her, and I didn't want to lose Finn. I mean, why would he like me? I don't have legs up to my neck and colorful, long luscious hair. She's perfect. But let's face it, I'm ordinary something Finn would never look for. And yes, I know. He did say I love you, and he did admit how much he liked me. But, after that barbecue, he became friendly again. Like nothing ever happened.

No. Millie, he CAN like you.

Fuck it. He can LOVE you.

I mean- um, I can say a joke? No, you sure as hell know that Finn fake laughs to that shit. Well, you have good taste in music. But ugh, not Finn's type of music. I can't compete with her. I can't compete with a confident, red-headed, tomboy, tall, adventurous, and sexy girl. She's everything Finn wants, and Finn is something she could get.

After my long-hard thinking, I saw Finn starting to dance with her. He looked over to me and smiled, gesturing me to join the group. I rolled my eyes, and cross my arms. Storming up the stairs. With everything on my mind, I couldn't help but wail quietly. It wasn't a big deal, I mean he was just being nice to her. But- then again, after I confessed my love to him. He kind of disappeared, he wasn't sucking up to me, and he was sure as hell, cozying up to Sadie. And as everything got worse, I hid behind the door frame and I saw Noah sitting on the staircase with Keith. They looks as if they were having a conversation forever. And then, it happened. Noah leaned in for a hug and Keith flinched out of utter fear, but then he softened up his tense body and he kissed Noah on the cheek. And a small smile printed on Keith's face afterwards.


Keith was coming towards the staircase to head down, and I pretended I was just heading up. "Oh hey, Keith! Glad you're here. Have you seen Noah?" I asked fakely.

"Yeah, I think I saw him by the stairs." A blush crept in his cheek, and he disappeared down the stairs. I shifted my self rapidly to the foyer.

"Hey Noah," he jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Millie- I'm sorry. I should have told you things from the start-" he began to spit out. Wow he was coming out to me very fast, it was just a kiss. He really decided his feelings in an instant.

"Yeah you should have! And now I have to somehow accept- whatever this is.." I began to shout.

"Wai-" he began.

"You lied to me. Did you think I would judge you? Listen, Noah I would always accept you. But you never tell me anything!" I was furious. "Now, I know why."

"Wait what." Noah looked up suddenly, confused.

"Were you not just coming out as gay to me? I just saw everything that happened. The kiss. The hug... Oh." I soon realized I was way off with my conclusion as Noah continued to give me a very confused expression, with his cheeks beginning to redden.

"Oh... I was going to say I'm sorry. I screwed up. I do trust you, I just don't know how to show it in the right way. I should be telling you everything, but I didn't and I'm really really sorry" he quietly mumbled. I awkwardly stood there, realizing I just spit out all the words I should have saved for later.

"So who is she..or he?" I mumbled, wincing at the way I assumed his sexuality.

"She... and He... does not exist. Not yet. Whatever just happened at the staircase happened too fast for me to even take time to understand it. I'm sorry for lying to you, it's just that you're always talking about me getting a girlfriend, and it's been bugging me so I thought just making up a person would just make you stop, but instead I was just making a bigger mess." his voice was shaky and gentle. He would break down any minute. I quickly leaned in for a hug to comfort him. His emotions were jumpy especially after what had just occurred. I heard his voice quietly whisper in my ear, "But I think Keith has just helped me realize exactly I wanted"

Then unexpected words, slipped out of his mouth. That I thought I would never hear...


"Hey Sadie, I think I am going to head over and look for Millie." I slowly stopped and dancing and she waggled her eyebrows at me.

"Goood Luckk." She sang in her drunken voice. I chuckled at her comment, even though I wanted to party so badly. I stayed sober so I could ask Millie to be my girlfriend tonight, and after seeing her frown upon my actions with Sadie. I needed to explain. I rushed past Noah, as he was heading down the stairs and I noticed the front double doors wide open, letting a gust of wind circulate the foyer.

"Millie?" I walked outside to see Millie resting her head on her knees, she wiped a tear away and signalled me to sit down next to her, "What's wrong babe? I haven't seen you all night."

"I am so delusional." She whimpered into my shoulder.

"What happened? You can tell me anything." I cupped her cheeks and turned towards her.

"Nothing- um how was your night? I missed you." Her voice broke, I looked at her face with love. Her amber eyes glistened with salt water, and her tear stained cheeks rushed with hemoglobin. Looking at how easily she got upset, I couldn't ask her to be my girlfriend. I made her cry way too much, but how could I resist? This. Right here. I am the one comforting her while she is beautifully crying. If I'm not there for her. Who else will be?
"Mills- will you be my girlfriend?" I stuttered, her eyes widened and smile crept onto her face, she nodded excitedly and she embraced the living hell out of me. I felt happy tears tickle my neck and smiled onto her cheek, planting a big kiss. 

A/N: Yes, I know...this is awfully short. But another big thanks to @ishmooo for helping me with this chapter. Go follow her and check her out! She made a book based off a song!! Which is pretty sick.

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