Chapter 15- Say Goodbye to Memories

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Chapter 15- Say Goodbye to Memories

Noah, Keith, Caleb and I sat in the hospital waiting room, our palms were sweaty and our heads were down. I couldn't believe that our Millie has tried to hurt herself. She admitted to the doctors that she has taken a few pills, which scares the hell out of me but the doctors said she would be fine and that she at least she would be headache free for a year, the sarcastic statement clearly pissed me off because there should be no benefit to this event, none of this was good. Finn walked out of the hospital room his eyes widened and you could see the sleeves of his denim jacket covered in tears.

"You did this." Finn put on a disgusted face and plunged towards Noah raising his fist, luckily, Keith swooped in and held Finn back but after a little bit of struggling he calmed down, "She did this because of you! She was perfectly fine yesterday!"
"Friends fight, Finn! You were supposed to be there for her!" Noah started to ball up his fists in anger.

"Both of you! Just sit down. Our friend is in there and she is upset about god knows what. We don't need to know who's fault this is or why she's upset. All we need to do is keep her safe." I said calmly, Finn always had some sort of grudge against Noah, it could have been because he was too close to Millie, or that he disapproves everything we do, but for the most part it could also because he was a better person than Finn. Finn quietly sat down next to me as Noah took a seat next to Keith, Caleb hasn't said one word because he was always so distant with Millie, they used to be close and he used to be there for her and that flamed would've been relit again if he knew that she was feeling like this.

"Finn, is there something you're not telling us?" Caleb broke the silence, "The other day you were yelling at her and making her cry and the next you are in tears and breaking out fights." I knew what Caleb was referring to, Finn has been hiding something from us and it only seemed as if Keith and Noah were the only people who could make out how he was feeling. Finn stood up infront of us and twiddled with his thumbs, then tears started rolling out of his eyes.

"I love her, man." He sobbed as he repeatedly tapped his converse on the floor, "I really love her." His voice broke. In any other time, all of us would have been laughing at Finn for dating Millie but I was almost relieved, knowing that she had someone who loved her could be a start of recovery after her incident. Noah got out of the small, cramped up waiting chair, Finn couldn't bare to look in his eyes but then he crashed his arms around Finn embracing him.

"We all love her. And you didn't do anything wrong." Noah said as he patted his back, he released from the hug and he cupped his hands around Finn's face, "You hear me? The only thing that you did was that you loved her." Knowing that this was a perfect moment for us to bond, I joined in on the hug and so did Caleb and Keith. Never did I think that five guys would be hugging and crying together, but I guess Millie has that effect on us. She's a good person, and she didn't deserve pain.


Noah's parents--Karine and Mitchell--rushed into the hospital, a worried expression was plastered on their tawny colored face, tanned from the beautiful adventures at Bora Bora

"We came here as fast as we could. Is she okay?" Karine said to Millie's mom as she began to hyperventilate and shake in fear.

"I don't know how this could have happened, maybe it was about Charlie or something else. She's not telling us anything." Her sob echoed in the empty hallway, Mitchell hasn't said anything but he broke the silence starting with a scratch in his voice.

"Kelly- we have kept something from you for years. About Charlie's death." Mitchell began an awestrucking sentence causing Kelly to choke on her own gasp.

"Wa-what? What are you talking about?" Kelly looked up in worry.

"Kelly- um there was a significant day where we um took Noah and Millie home. Uh- the day Charlie passed away. And-" Noah's mom stuttered she couldn't continue the sentence.

"Millie was driving home from school with us in our car- and she was very upset about a boy liking another girl the day before. And- um apparently, she complained about it to her brother and he um- said that he would make her feel better and such. She said that he would um- play games with her. Games that made her upset. A game- where um, she would have to close her eyes and stay quiet. And he would tickle her in inappropriate areas. It made her really upset, and we assumed what Charlie was doing to her." Mitchell's voice broke, he realized the serious lie him and Karine were keeping from Kelly and Robert. They were Millie's parents- they were supposed to know.

"Oh my god- you're not saying Charlie- Oh my goodness." Kelly covered her mouth and gasped.

"We brought her home, and decided to discuss it with her without Noah present. And she explained that he had only started doing that to her only that year, and that um- she hated it and she was confused on his actions. We only got the kid-version of it explained, and we decided to investigate on our own. So- being the stupid parents we were, we left her alone with Noah and apparently Charlie had come to pick her up. I saw them leaving, and I immediately got into my car- and I followed them. We were starting to get to an empty road, and my car was especially close to theirs. I saw that Millie was struggling inside of the car, like she was trying to get out. And I saw- I saw Charlie's hand reach down. And I just assumed. We got onto the freeway and he sped up the car, he was probably distracted and he crashed. I didn't know whose car it was till I got closer- and I am sorry that I walked out of the scene." Karine began to imagine the torture it must cause a mother to hear the painful news of their child suffering. Her eyes glistened with tears but she tried hard not to cry, not in front of the woman who was going through worse than her.

Kelly's mind were interrupted by disgusted thoughts, if Millie remembered, she would've lived in utter fear. Millie wouldn't be the same again because

Millie was molested.

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