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Author's Note

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Well, the first chapter is finally here!

(Warning! This book will contain some dark themes, mild language, and mild violence. If you are sensitive to any of these topics, I encourage you to not read this book.)


Cheers to a new book!


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3 Months Later...

The last Friday of the summer.

I didn't really do much as usual.

Just moped around the house and relaxed at the neighborhood park for most of it.

Man, depression hits you like a truck, doesn't it?

Anyways, I had already packed up for the university in the past few days.

Just a few bags of luggage, I didn't really have any belongings of much use for my studies.

A horn from outside took my attention.

I peered out from my living room window and saw a limousine with a large golden K engraved on the side, parked in my driveway.

An image I thought I would never see.

My own limousine to take me to the airport? What in the world?

In the midst of my shock, I quickly grabbed my luggage and ran out the front door, locking it and sprinting towards the vehicle.

A man in a suit greeted me by the limo.

"Greetings! I take that you are Ashton Ketchum?" he says, giving me a welcoming smile.

I nod.

"You can call me Ash."

"Great! An honor to meet you, Ash! My name is Brock, and I am honored to be your chauffeur for the day." he smiles, giving me a small bow.

Man, if the chauffeurs and vehicles are like this...then how luxurious would the university be?

"Alright then. I'll handle your luggage. Meanwhile, enjoy yourself inside." Brock says, opening the door and motioning me inside the luxurious vehicle.

"No, it's okay. I can handle my own bags."

He frowns.

"I'm sorry, Ash. But I insist to! After all, it's rude to have your guests handle their own luggage!" Brock says, picking up my bags and heading towards the back of the limo.

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