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The gentle lake breeze blows softly through my raven hair, waking me up from my nap.

Yawning, I rub my eyes and stretch.

A strand of golden hair blowing at the side of my cheek from the breeze makes me notice...

There she was, sleeping peacefully, resting her head on my shoulder.

I notice a worrifree smile on her face as she sleeps away her fears and stresses.

 I smile and poke her cheek softly.

"Serena... wake up Serena-"

She drowsily opens her eyes and lifts her head from my shoulder.

She dazedly gazes at me with a speck of drool on the corner of her cheek.

I chuckle softly and pat her head.

"Nap time's over, your majesty~ Sleep well?" I ask, getting back up to my feet.

Her face heats up a gentle shade of red, and a small frown appears on her face.

"..." Serena remains silent as I stretch.

"...What's wrong?" I kneel back down so that we were eye-level.

Silence takes over before her suddenly dull cerulean eyes met mine.

"In my dream, we were walking on a bridge... and.... you..." She suddenly chokes on a sob mid-sentence.

"I... what?"

Her lip suddenly trembles and a rogue tear runs down her cheek.

"Serena, please... tell me what's wrong." I plead.

Her watery eyes gaze back up at me.

"...You jumped off the bridge and k-killed yourself in the process of doing so," She said, a tear going down her cheek.

My heart suddenly skips a beat as her cerulean eyes lock onto mine.

What am I feelng..? Why am I feeling this?

Dumb hormones.

Now's not the time.

Serena suddenly jumps forward, ambushing me in yet another tight hug.

"Serena, I'm here, don't worry. Everything will be okay,"

As I say that, I see a shadow approach us.

Grace, Serena's mother comes to a halt with her plate of fruit as she sees us in an embrace.

I smile sheepishly at her, realizing that Serena still hasn't realized as her face was still buried in my chest.

❦ Ever So Graceful ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now