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My eyes flutter open and I cough up water, gasping for air.

I'm alive.

I'm actually alive.

I glance beside the soft, cool grass of the lakebed after my I regain my flow of oxygen to see the princess gazing at me with a curious, yet worried expression on her face.

"A-Are you okay?"

I smile and nod.

Serena beams and softly closes her eyes, sighing from relief.

"I'm glad," She says, twirling her finger on the sweet grass.

I turn my gaze to the night sky, feeling the gentle evening breeze blow through my wet hair.

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Such vibrant scenery...

The calm lull of the lake and the glistening reflection of the stars merge into a beautiful nighttime view.

Feeling the gentle breeze blow through your hair as the moonlight dyes the Earth a soft glow...

It's beautiful.

I turn my gaze back to the princess to meet her radiant cerulean eyes.

Her mouth gapes slightly.

"Ash, your eyes..."

"Wha- Is something wrong with my eyes?!" I say frantically, rubbing them with my hands.

She giggles, the sounds of her joy lifting the leftover tension.

"No, that's not it... It's just that your eyes are starting to sparkle now." She says, gazing at the shimmering reflection of the lake.

"...Before you came here to the palace, your eyes seemed so dull and gray... And now, they're sparkling," She smiles softly, slightly blushing.

I smile as well.

"It's because I realized I have something to live for and protect now, thanks to you,"

❦ Ever So Graceful ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now