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❝Sometimes laughter is not always the best medicine,

It can also be the best disguise.❞

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I wake up half an hour before the plane lands.

I glance at my phone and see that it is early in the morning.

7:42 AM, to be exact.

I prep for landing and browse through some apps on my phone while I wait.

The plane landed quite smoothly, not a surprise from highly trained private jet pilots.

I thank the pilots and exit the plane with all my bags.

The airport was fairly large, and it took quite a while for me to find my way out.

I walked into the Kalosian sunshine for the first time and gazed at the surrounding buildings along with the ocean horizon in the west.

So this is what Kalos looks like. I think in my head as I strode down the sidewalk and towards the tram labeled, "University of Kalos".

The tram was quite empty, with the exception of a few students here and there, since it was still summer.

I take a seat and lay down my bags, as they're quite heavy.

A TV screen grabs my attention.

A newscast was reporting live at the royal Kalosian Palace.

I could see hundreds, no thousands of people crowding outside the palace in the background.

Are they all going to attend the party? Wow...

The reporter coincidentally answers my thought.

"Only the newly invited students of the Kalos University are allowed to enter the Palace, so we regret to inform you that we will not be able to film inside of the palace."

Well, that answers my question.

Good, I don't want to be attending a party with thousands of people screaming their heads off.

After a while of daydreaming and browsing apps on my phone, the tram reaches the university.

I step off and stretch, all the while glancing at the large campus of the university.

By large I mean MONUMENTAL.

I've never seen a campus this huge in my life!

And don't even ask about the decorations.

A large body of water, I guess you could call it a lake, spanned the back of the campus, with small waterfalls connecting the school with the lake to enhance the buildings even more throughout all the greenery.

❦ Ever So Graceful ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now