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Serena holds onto me tightly, as if I were to disappear if she let go for even a second.

"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?" I say with a fake smile.

She looks up at me once again.

Then I notice her puffy eyes.

Serena was... crying... wasn't she?

She must've been really worried...

Ugh, I have to cut that stuff out.

It's not like she was worried about me.

Probably stressed by all of the issues that's been going on with her attempted kidnapping.

"A-Ash, don't do anything stupid like that ever again!" She says, pressing her face into my chest.

"I...I wouldn't forgive myself if y-you..." She cuts off, interrupted by more of her sobs.

My eyes slowly widen.

So she was...

No one has ever cared about me this much to even shed a tear...

"Y-You're just... really important to me!" She yells between choked sobs.


Why am I important... at all?

Being cared about...

Being worth something to someone...

It feels strangely... good.

In a way,

The world around me has begun to take on color...

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Serena left for a bit to clean herself up from the mess that she was in.

I sat drinking some tea as I relaxed in the luxurious but cozy living room of the palace.

"Here Ash, have some cookies, they just came out of the oven. They're really good!" A voice says beside the table, and I turn to see the Kalos Queen setting down a tray of warm pastries on the glass-top.

I freeze, not knowing if I should act formal or not in front of her.

"U-Um, y-yes m'am!" I say, placing down my tea cup.

She laughs, relieving the tension.

"Ash, you don't have to treat me like royalty. I'd rather you treat me as any ordinary person," she says, sitting down in a chair beside the table.

❦ Ever So Graceful ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now