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Pure silence.

Besides the heart-rate monitor from my cold hospital room and my short breaths, it was purely silent.

Why aren't I dead?

It'd be better that way, I think.

The only chance I get to die...

and I survive.


I slowly open my eyes to see a nurse examining the monitor beside my bed while jotting things down on her clipboard.

Her eyes widen and she runs out of the room, yelling for a doctor.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

I turn my gaze towards the bleak hospital room window to see a pale, cloudy sky and raindrops gently hitting the glass.

So it's still raining, huh?

Fast footsteps approach my room until I see my nurse accompanied by a doctor and a man clad in brown enter my room.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asks softly but quickly.

My eyes suddenly widen from recalling the events from last night and I jerk upright, placing my hand on my doctors shoulder in desperation.

"Serena! Where is she?! Is she alright?"

"She's fine, thanks to you. She's currently resting at the royal palace at the request of her mother." The doctor says, adjusting his glasses.

"...I see,"

I sigh and rest my head back in relief.

I'm glad...

I wonder how she's doing...


Why am I thinking about about her?

The man in brown steps forward and introduces himself to me.

"I'm Detective Agent Looker from the International Police. I'm terribly sorry about the events that unfolded yesterday... We are still trying to figure out what happened and how the criminals managed to get past university security. You were the one who stopped them, am I correct?"

I nod.

Then I remembered.


I have to go see him later to sort some things out.

"We'd like to have you answer some questions once you are able again. Make sure to stop by the security office once you're discharged, alright?"

❦ Ever So Graceful ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now