Chapter 4: Rejected, I think

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I stepped into school the next day, still smiling from last night's date, a bounce in each step I took.

"Dude, you are so whipped!" Isaac approached us. "How is he so whipped already?" He asked Cody, nudging him in the ribs.

"He won't tell me! I begged him to tell me what happened and nada!" Cody sulked playfully, I hope.

"Well, I'm going to have to tell everyone so I'm just going to tell you guys once." I reminded him, just like I had before we left and in the car.

"Just give us a teaser." Begged Cody, pulling on my shoulder.

"He works out." I smirked, remembering last night.

"How would you know?" Isaac said, laughing and lightly punching me on the shoulder.

"Heshowedme." I mumbled out quickly. "But that's it, no more dirt until Sarah gets here."

"Sarah is here." Sang a girlish voice behind me. "Now spill." She lay her hand on my shoulder and squeezed with a strength that surprised me every time.

I spent the next ten minutes, and I told them everything, from him  being nervous to let me into his flat, to us teasing each other with our bodies. Then even after I had finished my story, they refused to stop gushing until I saw him.

I grinned and ditched them to walk over to him. "Hey." I said and wrapped my arms around him.

"Aww, look. The faggot is in love with you, Kyle!" Jeered one of his friends

"Shame poor fluff muffin can't leave you alone." Laughed another, nudging the first.

I looked at Kyle, curious about how he was going to respond.

"Oh c'mon! I bump into you once at Starbucks and now you are stalking me? Get outta here!" Kyle said and they walked away.

I just stood there, the air had left my lungs and truly felt like I would never breathe again, and my friends came and stood next to me. "I- I thought he liked me." I mumbled to them.

Sarah wrapped her arms around me and Cody patted me on the back.

"Screw it. Let's go to class."

The day passed by in a blur, I couldn't tell you what was said in classes, or what classes I went to and soon I was in Cody's car and he was driving home.


My phone indicated a text message.

{Kyle: 'Hey baby! Wanna come over?'}

"Seriously? Kyle wants me to go over to his place!" I guffawed as I told Cody.

"Not a chance, man. Not after how he treated you. Don't even reply, he doesn't deserve it." tapping his fists together twice, 'Friends' style.

"You're right. Man, men are confusing!" 

"Are you not a man?" Cody joked and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Aw, shut up, you know what I mean. Why can't he just say what he means?"


I ignored it. I got out of the car and went to my room to unpack my bag and get some homework done.


"Leave me alone!" I growled under my breath. I set out my homework on the desk in my room and had just opened up my math book when my phone rang.

"What?" I barked into the phone, not needing to look at who was calling.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked. I huffed and rubbed my forehead.

"What was your first clue? Ignoring your messages or the angry tone?" I replied sarcastically.

"I don't understand why you are mad at me though."

I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at it, wishing it was him I was glaring at and not my Samsung.

"You called me a stalker and blew me off!"

"But you knew I wasn't ready to go public about who I am yet. What was I supposed to do?"

I sighed at that. I did know he wasn't ready to go public. "That may be so, but you didn't have to be so nasty about it. You could have just called me a friend. I have homework. I have to go." I said dejectedly and hung up.

I tried to go back to focusing on my homework and an hour later I was just about done when I heard a knock on the door. 

"Hey man. There is someone at the door for you." Said Cody.

"Is it ma?" I asked, hopefully.

"I don't want to ruin it for you. Just come out." He said with a smirk and walked away. I slammed my book shut in exasperation and went to the hall where I stopped short in shock. 

"Kyle? What are you... How do you know where I live?" I asked.

Kyle was standing in the hall awkwardly holding a bunch of wild flowers. "Hey, um. Well, Kristie, one of the cheerleaders, had Isaac's number, so I asked him. He nearly killed me over the phone, mind you. You have cool friends."

"Yeah, I do. What are you doing here Kyle?" I crossed my arms over my chest, His eyes diverted to my arms momentarily, boosting my ego slightly.

He scratched the back of his neck before looking down at the flowers. "I wasn't sure if you liked flowers, but I didn't know what else to get you. So, here. I'm sorry." He thrust the flowers into my hands as if he was shy.

"I appreciate that, but you could have just been nice to me in the first place." I said looking at the bunch of wild flowers.

"Well, I, um." He stammered an shuffled his feet.

"Ag, give me a second." I walked into the living room where Mrs. Teele was reading. "Uh, do you have a vase or something where I could put these?"

"Sure, honey. Let me take those. You two can talk in your room if you are too uncomfortable talking about something so private." She took the flowers and gave me a peck on the cheek.

I smiled and took Kyle's hand to lead him into my room.

"Um, are you sure you want me in your room?" he asked before entering.

"If I didn't, I wouldn't be bringing you here." I said in a light, sarcastic way.

He grinned, thankful that I was joking around with him. I motioned for him to sit on my bed while I closed my door. 

I walked up to him and bent over so my face was in line with his, causing his breath to hitch in his throat.

"Don't do that again." I said, calmly.

"I won't. " He whispered, his voice catching in his throat.

"It made me feel like you were rejecting me." I growled into is ear, punctuating my sentence, by nibbling on is ear.

"I could never reject you." He raised his hand and caressed my face.

I grinned and gently pecked his lips. But as I was pulling away, he gripped me behind my neck and pulled me down on top on him so he could deepen the kiss. Our bodies growing hot as the kiss heated up, I gripped my fingers in his hair, then I jumped when I heard a voice behind me.

"Cool, free sex show!" Cody said in an amused voice.

I jumped up, muttering curse words under my breath. "Can I help you Cody, maybe knock next time?"

"Boo! That's no fun!" Cody pretended to wipe his eyes. "Anyway, mom wants to know if you are staying for dinner, Kyle?"

Kyle looked up at me as if to ask for my permission. 

"Yeah, he will be staying." I said with a lopsided grin.

Cody shook his head with a smile and left the room. 

"So I am staying?" Kyle said with a smirk.

"There is no way I am letting you go anywhere after that apology!" I said and descended onto his lap and his lips once again.

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