Chapter 16: The Pain

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I woke up the next day to Mrs. Teele sitting next to my bed. It was the first time seeing her since the accident.

"Hi." I said, racked with guilt.

"Hi sweetie." She smiled a pained smile at me. "How are you feeling?"

"Better than I should." I grumbled.

She frowned at me, "Why do you say that?"

I looked up at the ceiling, begging my tears not too fall, men shouldn't cry this much. "It's my fault that Cody is in here. It's my fault that we got in this accident."

"Bite your tongue! That truck driver tested off the charts for being drunk! It is entirely his fault! You made sure Cody was wearing his seatbelt! You always made sure he wore his seatbelt. Imagine if he had gotten thrown out of the car! He would be dead then! You are the reason he is breathing! Now stop talking nonsense and get dressed into proper clothes, the doctor signed the forms for you to come home."

"I cannot dress myself, it's too sore." I sulked.

She chuckled and grabbed some tracksuit pants and a buttoned down shirt. Carefully she helped my get dressed and then helped me bring my stuff outside to her car. She pulled my seatbelt over me and hooked it in, careful not to disturb my arm and we drove home.

As soon as we got home I walked into my room and closed the door. I pulled out my books and started studying. Well I tried. My mind kept drifting off to Cody. I couldn't keep his bandage covered body out of my mind. I shook my head and winced when it affected my shoulder. I forced myself to study and about two hours later Mrs. Teele knocked on my door.

"I made pie for lunch. You need to eat so you can take your medication." She said softly.

I smiled at her and followed her out to the dining room. I smelled the pie and smiled. It was my favourite, spinach and feta cheese. I quickly dug in and then went back to studying.

At around five, I heard the doorbell and decided I needed a break from studying and called out that I would get. Ryan was waiting along with Isaac and Sarah who were all holding balloons or flowers or a muffin basket.

I grinned, "Hey guys! What's all this?" I asked.

"Hey, we wanted to welcome you home, but figured you would want to settle in again first. So here we are!" Isaac announced.

"Welcome home! There are some blueberry muffins and some red velvet cupcakes!" Sarah said, eyeing them hungrily.

I chuckled, "Come in, let's open them up." I let them in and Mrs. Teele walked into the room.

"Oh that looks nice! I'll make dinner for everyone! It is so nice of you to support Jeremy!" She said then dashed into the kitchen. We sat down and each had a cupcake or muffin, I had a cupcake.

"So who is ready for exams?" Ryan smirked.

"Well the more I study, the more confused I get, so not me!" I laughed.

"Oh Shuddup, you always get perfect grades! It's the rest of us that have to worry!" Sarah play frowned at me.

"So how's the shoulder today?" Isaac asked.

"I am having a bit of pain now that I am off the hospital meds, but the medication I have seems to help a lot. I'm supposed to flex my fingers but it hurts."

"Just try anyway. I'm sure the guy that went to University and Med School for years, knows what he is talking about." Ryan joked.

"Yeah, I know. I do it anyway. I didn't do it for a bit and got so stiff, so I force myself. But I don't know which pain is worse, my shoulder or the fact that I put my own boyfriend in hospital!"

"You didn't put him in hospital! A drunk idiot did!" Isaac argued.

"No matter how many times people say that, it won't change my mind. I was driving, I turned to tell him something. It's my fault."

Everyone went silent for a bit, until, "What were you going to tell him?" Isaac asked.

"I don't want to say." I mumbled.

"Please!" Sarah begged pouting.

I grunted, "I was going to tell him that I'm in love with him."

"NO WAY! That's amazing! You guys are so perfect together!" She squealed.

"Promise you won't tell anyone until I get to tell him. If I get to tell me." I hung my head at the last part.

"You will be able to tell him. And he will kiss you. And then you will live happily ever after!" Sarah clasped her hands together as if it was a fairy tale brought to life.

We chatted for a while and then Mrs. Teele called us to dish up for dinner.

I picked up my plate then looked down at the pot with the Chicken Alfredo in it. Sarah looked at me confused and then burst out laughing.

"Do you want me to dish up for you?" She said still giggling.

"Yes please." I grumbled, my cheeks going red for not realising that I couldn't dish up for myself.

"Oh man that was good!" Ryan said sitting back in his chair, "You should expect me more often!"

"Oh you know you are always welcome here!" She laughed back, "Especially if you bring those muffins!"

"Deal!" He laughed.

We walked to the door to say goodbye.

"See you tomorrow at school! Study hard, its Maths tomorrow!" I said and closed the door after they left.

"Have you had your pills yet Jeremy?" Mrs. Teele asked.

"I'll take them now and go to bed." I grabbed a glass and filled it with, then popped all my pills in one swallow.

"Night Mrs. Teele." I kissed her cheek and went up to bed.

I woke up with a pain in my shoulder. I tried to go back to sleep but the pain just got worse. Looking over, the clock blinked at me 02:37.

Ugh! I got up and got the pain medication the doctor prescribed for in case the pain got worse, from the kitchen.

Mrs. Teele walked into the kitchen, "What's wrong dear?"

"The pain woke me up. I just wanted some of the extra pain meds that the doctor gave me, but it has a child proof cap, so I can't open it."

She smiled at me tiredly and opened the bottle, then handed me one tablet. "Tell me what is bothering you."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can tell that something else is bothering you. What is it?"

"I am just freaking out about Cody and then about how I am supposed to do a math exam without being able to draw lines for my diagrams."

"Why can't you?"

"I need my left hand to draw and use the ruler."

I am sure you will be able to get through it. You have always been a very intelligent person. Now go to bed, and don't let Cody keep you up. He will be fine." She said bravely.

I kissed her cheek and went to bed, falling asleep instantly.


Ugh, I hate filler chapters! But hey! The bridge between getting out of hospital and exams!

Oh well! Two Chapters in one day! That is amazing! I guess you guys just motivate me!

Thank you!


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