Chapter 19: Don't Be Done

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No, no, no, no, no! That cannot be the first thing he hears from me since the accident! He should be hearing me telling him that I love him, or that he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. That is what a person should be hearing after being in a near death accident. Not that I kissed someone else!

Cody scrunched up his eyes and a tear ran down his face.

"No! Cody! It meant nothing! I didn't even start it! He just kissed me without warning!"

He turned his head away slightly.

"No, Cody! Don't turn away from me!" I started panicking.

The nurses came to check up on Cody and one of them pushed me away gently. "You need to calm down, sir. You are upsetting the patient!"

I stopped struggling and let her go back to Cody to see if he was okay.

I left the room and phoned Mrs. Teele.

"Hi Jeremy, are you okay? You ran out too fast for me." She answered.

"Hi, yeah, I'll be okay. I just wanted to let you know that Cody is awake." I replied.

"He is awake? I'm coming, tell him I'm coming!" She hung up.

I walked back into the room and the nurses were just finishing up with him. After they left I walked up to him. "Your mother is on her way. I told her you woke up."

He was silent for a bit. "Did you kiss him back?" He croaked out.

I winced at the betrayal I could hear, evident in his voice.

"I was picturing you the whole time." I said trying desperately to avoid the question.

"Did you kiss him back?" He repeated.

"He means nothing to me! You are everything to me!" I tried again.

"DID YOU KISS HIM BACK?" Cody said, anger flaring off his face.

I sighed and looked down, defeated and nodded. "Yes." I whispered.

Cody plopped his head back down onto the pillow and let out a stream of curse words under his breath, causing me to wince.

"Please leave me alone." He whispered.

I ran my hands down my face and left the room. I sat down and waited for Mrs. Teele to arrive with my head in my hands.

I heard her heels clicking against the floor and stood up to greet her. She had on the biggest smile I had seen in days but it dropped when she saw my face.

"What is wrong? Is it Cody?" She asked.

"Sorta. Kyle kissed me and Cody woke up when I was apologising to him about it. Now he won't even look at me."

"Did you kiss him back?" She asked with a blank expression.

I sunk back into the chair and she simply walked into ICU without another word.

I sat there, lost in my own thoughts until she finally came back out a few hours later.

"You're still here? Why didn't you go home?" She asked, surprised.

"Didn't think I would be welcome anymore." I muttered.

"Of course you are. I promised to look after you. I may be disappointed, but I will keep my promise."

We got into her car and drove home.

"What did Cody say about me?" I asked bleakly.

"I asked him and he just said that he doesn't know what to do." She paused, "Do you still love him. Do you still mean all those things from before?"

"I think that I always will. No matter what he says or does to me, I think I always will."

"You need to find a way to make it up to him. But until then, you need to find a way to study and keep your mind focused on your exams." She lectured.

"I will."

We pulled up to the house and I went into my room and shut the door. I lay on the bed and tried to make sense of what was going on.

How could he, literally in one sentence he was promising to be my friend and the next he was kissing me! But I am the big idiot. Why would I kiss back? Cody doesn't deserve this! He is so perfect! Patient, kind, loving, honest and damn, he was good in bed. Will I ever feel him beneath me again? His smaller body, flat stomach, soft lips.

I looked down and my stupid body had reacted to my thoughts. Cold shower or hot shower.

Hot, definitely hot. If I could never have him again, I could at least have my memories with him.

I gathered my clothes and towel and went into the bathroom and stepped into the hot shower. I thought about the way Cody kissed me, or the way his body felt under my own. His legs wrapped around my waist. His lips on my neck.

I leant against the wall after I was done and shut my eyes. Then I hastily washed my body.

Afterwards, I stepped out of the shower feeling both better and yet disappointed. It would never be the same if he does not take me back. I got dressed in disappointment and went to the kitchen to get something to eat so I could take my medication and go to sleep.

"I made you grilled cheese sandwiches. It's a bit late for anything else." She said warmly, but I could feel the disappointment coming off her.

"Thanks." I ate my food in a hurry and swallowed my medication so I could go to bed. But before I went, I turned to her.

"I'm sorry if I disappointed you." I looked her in the eye.

"Just make it up to him, and never allow that to happen again."

"I won't" I kissed her on the cheek and went to bed. 


Hello Everybody!

By now I am heartbroken. I hate writing these parts. But every good story needs ups and downs so bear with me.

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