Chapter 22: Study Date

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What? I'm doing an author note BEFORE the chapter? That is because I need to make a shout out to my first ever fan! She has even brought in another fan to my web! This kind of thing is what makes writing so much more fun, so thank you Janeinsa

Now on with the story:


When we got home, Cody headed for his room and I went to mine to grab my study notes then joined him. We were studying for a few hours when Cody decided he needed a break, so we were sitting on his bed.

"I'm so excited to move in together. We could finally, you know, do stuff." He said smiling at me with longing.

"As often as you can take me." I growled into his neck.

"I was wondering something." He asked.

"Mmhmm?" I said, kissing his neck.

"Do you think you would ever let me, um, take you?"

I pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. "I never thought about that. I guess we could try it. How badly does it hurt though?"

"As first it hurts like hell, but soon you don't care. Trust me."

"Well, maybe we should try it sometime. I would do it for you." I kissed him and it soon turned into him straddling my lap and us breathing heavily. When he started moving his pelvis I had to stop him.

"Babe, if you keep this up, I will forget the promise I made to your mother."

"I promised not to have sex with you. I didn't promise not to relieve you in other ways."

I was about to ask him what he meant when he unzipped my jeans and pulled them down.

"Uh, babe. You don't have to do that."

"I miss your taste." He replied, then his head disappeared and started to do amazing things.

Half an hour later, we were lying in his bed with his head on my chest.

"You are amazing. You know that?" I asked him.

"Well I put you through hell the last couple of weeks, and couldn't think of a better way to apologise."

"Babe, you had nothing to apologise for! I screwed up. You got hurt."

"How about we agree that its Kyle's fault and put it behind us?"

"Good idea." I kissed his forehead, "I think that I need a shower, and you need to study."

"I prefer what I was doing before." He kissed my neck.

"So do I, but you need to study. But we also need to tell you mom about the house."

"True, when she gets back from work we can tell her."

"Maybe I should make dinner, it'll be a nice surprise for her." I got up and put my pants back on. "Study." I kissed him and then went to the kitchen and made lasagne.

When I was almost done and getting out the plates and cutlery, Mrs. Teele came home. Cody heard her come in and joined us in the kitchen.

"Hey mum," He kissed her cheek. "We have some news."

"You're pregnant." She joked drily.

Cody rolled his eyes and laughed. "No man, Sarah's mom found a house for Ryan, Isaac, Sarah, Jeremy and I to live in. And it's near the university. We are going to see it tomorrow at ten."

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