Chapter 27: Jacobs Drama

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Bang! Bang! Bang!

Elias's father had been pounding on the door for ten minutes now.

"Open this damned door right now! I will call the police! You are kidnapping my son! Open now!" He shouted through the door.

Elias looked up at me worried, "Can he do that?"

"I don't think so. He punched you, he has no rights to come near you, I think."

"Open this fucking door right now before I break it!" Elias's father screamed again.

I heard Mrs. Jacobs trying to reason with him, "Come on baby! Just let him coo-"her voice stopped suddenly as we heard the unmistakable crack of a punch being thrown.

Ryan lost it. There is no other way to put it. He lost it.

He stormed to the door, threw it open and lunged at Mr Jacobs.

"Never punch someone smaller than you! Never punch someone who can't give it right back!" Ryan chanted.

The cops chose that moment to pull up and they ran over and pulled Ryan off Mr. Jacobs.

"Oh thank the pope you came, officers! These boys kidnapped my son and then this one attacked my wife and I!" Mr. Jacobs said, trying to convince the cops, "Trust me I'm a lawyer, I would never lie about this!"

The cops looked like they were going to believe him until Elias screamed, "That's a lie!" from the door.

"He punched me when I told him I'm gay, so I ran away to here!" Elias had tears running down his cheek, mixing with the cut still bleeding on his cheek and causing red streams to go down his face.

"Please, don't let him come near me!" Elias said softly.

"See what these people have done! They have turned him gay! Arrest them!"

The bigger of the two cops stepped forward, "I'm gay. You gotta problem with gay people?"

"Go get a real cop! I don't want to get AIDS after you harass me!"

"So because I'm gay I have to want you?" He warned.

"Yes! Now leave and get a real cop, you people should be put in a line and shot, one by one!" Mr Jacobs replied, still shouting."

"That sounds like a threat; you need to come with us to the police station. Are you going to cause a scene of come with me calmly?"

"I'm not getting in that car with you! You will rape me!"

The cop was about to reply when the last people I expected to say anything screamed.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Mrs Jacobs screamed, "No body wants you! The only reason I married you was because I thought I was pregnant! But I'm not! And I won't be treated like some bimbo any longer! You will go with these cops! You will let me adopt Elias. And then you will sign the stupid divorce papers I am going to throw at you! Come Elias! I'm taking you to the hospital and then we will get something to eat, your dad gave me a credit card!"

"Ma'am, before you leave, we will need witness statements from everyone."

"Can I not come in tomorrow and fill it out at the station? Elias needs to be checked out." Mrs Jacobs pleaded.

"That's fine, I'll just write my name and cell number on a piece of paper so you can ask for me when I get in. I will be in at eleven tomorrow morning."

"Thank you. And Jeremy, guys, thanks for looking after my boy here!" Mrs Jacobs walked up to Mr Jacobs and stuck her hand out, "Car keys!"

"I'm not letting you drive my Bentley!" He said angrily.

"Fine, It will just sit here on the curb all night."

"I can still drive, you know." He seethed.

"Nope, you're going to jail." The smaller of the cops smoothly slipped the cuffs on Mr. Jacobs and then Mrs. Jacobs took the keys out of his front pocket.

"Goodnight, everyone. Come Elias." She said, walking towards the elaborate car.

Elias looked back at me and smiled. "Thank you for everything, Jeremy. You're awesome."

"Nothing anyone here wouldn't have done." I replied, smiling.

"Thanks anyway." Elias got into the car with his step mother and they drove off.

The cop put Mr Jacobs in the car and the other came to us.

"I need to make a confession. I'm not really gay, but I couldn't think of what else to say that would make him stop."

We laughed with him.

"Now if you guys could just write down what happened, then you won't have to come in until this goes to trial. But even then, you might not be needed."

We went inside and each of us grabbed a notepad and wrote down what happened. By the time we had finished and the cops had left with Mr Jacobs, it was already midnight.

"Damn, I'm beat!" Isaac moaned, stretching his arms.

"Yeah, let's go to bed." Cody put his arms around me and rested his chin on my chest as he looked up at me.

"Sounds like a plan." I kissed his forehead. "'Night guys!"

"How about a shower?" I asked Cody.

"Ag, babe, I'm too tired for sex. I mean, I love having sex with you, but I am so tired!" He pouted.

I chuckled at him, "I didn't mean it that way, I just wanted to shower with you." I smiled.

We went into the bathroom, stripped down and got under the steamy water.

"it's not going to get any easier, you know." Cody said softly.

"What isn't?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Being gay. Homophobes are always going to be afraid of us. People will always mock us and call us ugly names."

"Being with you makes it worth it. I love you." I brought my lips to his and kissed him deeply. Not in a way that made either of us tuned on, but in a way that showed him just how much he means to me. Everything.

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