Chapter 5: Recovery

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"Listen, before we have to go out for dinner, I just want to know why you were so nasty." I asked, still panting slightly.

He smirked at my lack of breath, but then frowned, "You don't understand my friends. They are such homophobes. Terrified of gay men. And they have been hinting that I might be gay for a while. If they find out, they will make me so miserable that I will probably have to leave the team. How could I possibly get a basketball scholarship if I am not on the team?" He reasoned.

"So you are worried that they won't accept you? Who cares? I'm sure they aren't all jerks." I tried to reason.

"They not. I just need time to brave up."

"So that's it? No date nights?" I asked.

"Well how about after graduation we do something? I thought I could take you away? I was left a lot of money, let me take you to Tel Aviv."

"Tel Aviv?" I asked confused.

"Gay capital of the world!" He smiled.

"I don't know, I'm not ready to, uh, do stuff..." I said shyly.

"Hey, that's cool. I don't want to take you just to get some. I want to make sure you know how special you are to me."

"How could I be? We aren't even dating officially."

"True, I guess a ruined dinner at my place isn't a date. I'll think of something. Please just say you'll come."

"Okay fine. But no more nasty episodes. Promise me?"

"I promise." He said planting kisses on my neck.

Soon we were called to the dining room, and we walked there hand in hand, smiling.

"Well, isn't that much better? I don't want fighting from you two. You seems to make each other so happy!" Said Mrs. Teele said with an equally large smile.

"I just cannot believe it. You are out for one day and already have a boyfriend. Me? I've been gay for years and I am single!" Exclaimed Cody, putting his hand to his forehead dramatically.

"Boyfriend?" Kyle squeaked. "Um, I don't think we will be official until I come out."

I sat down in a slump. I realised that we had never actually asked the other to be official. I guess I just have to wait until he is ready.

"Hey," Kyle said, massaging my shoulders affectionately, "It will happen soon enough." He pecked me on the cheek and sat next to me.

The rest of the night flew by happily and after we ate, Kyle and I took the dishes to the kitchen and loaded them into the dishwasher. I bent over to put the last plate in when I felt Kyle squeeze my bum.

"Oi!" I jumped up and turned to face him, "Was that fun for you?"

"Very!" He nodded with a smile. "In fact, I think I am going to do it again."

He backed me into the counter and then reached around me and did it again, except this time he didn't let go and his lips found mine.

"Why is it I am always the one to catch you guys?" Cody asked in mock exasperation.

"Because you are lucky." I replied with a grin, pushing Kyle off.

"Damn, Jer-Bear. You are one lucky guy!" Cody smirked and looked at Kyle pants.

I looked where Cody was indicating and burst out laughing. I pulled Kyle to face me, "I must really have an effect on you."

"Is it that obvious?" He asked cockily. "But really? Jer-Bear?"

"Of course! He is my Pookie!"

He laughed and turned around, pulling me in front of him to hide his excitement, and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned back against him and smiled.

"Ah! This room is infected with cooties! Look at Jeremy! That smile says he is infected!" Cody said and then ran out of the room, just as Mrs. Teele was walking in and she whacked the back of his head causing Kyle and I to burst out laughing.

"Do you boys want some Hot Chocolate?"

This was met by a chorus of yes's.

She started to prepare it, "So, Kyle. Tell me about your parents. I would love to have them over sometime."

"Oh, uh." Kyle started, "My parents died a couple of months ago. It's just me."

"I'm sorry dear. You should come over for dinner more often then. I'll make sure you eat properly."

He laughed at that and looked at me pretending to look worried, "Do I look too skinny to you?"

We laughed and drank our Hot Chocolate. But eventually, it was time for Kyle to go home.

I walked him to his car.

"How about I come over tomorrow? We could prepare for finals together?" Kyle asked, leaning against his car.

"That could be fun, I can't wait." I leaned towards him and kissed him.

We heard a car screech to a halt and turned to see Katelynn, one of the cheerleaders from school, jumped out of her car.

"Oh my Gosh. It's true! You are a faggot!" she exclaimed.

Kyle looked stunned for only a minute before he pushed me off him and I fell down on the ground.

"What the hell is your problem bro? I bring you your book that you forgot and this is how you say thank you? A handshake would do! Get away from me!" Kyle shouted, causing Cody to run out.

"Oh how sweet, his faggot friend to his rescue!" Katelynn mocked. Then she walked up to Kyle and leaned on him suggestively, "Wanna go back to yours and prove that you aren't gay?"

"You bet I do!" He said to her and hit her bum as she walked back to her car, then turned to us, "Later losers."

He drove off.

"What the hell was that? Oh shit, you are bleeding! Come inside, ma will clean that for you." Cody pulled me off the floor where I was still sitting in a daze.

"Screw him if he thinks I'm gonna forgive him this time." I looked at my forearm where there was a graze as big as a ten rand note. "Oh shit, that's gonna hurt for a while."

Cody pulled me inside where Mrs. Teele was sitting in the lounge, reading.

"Ma! We need your help here!" Cody called and showed her when she got to us.

"Oh dear. How did this happen?" she asked, walking to where she kept her medical supplies that every mother seems to have.

Cody was fuming and answered before I could even start, "Kyle saw some chick from school and pushed him onto the floor! Who does that?"

"I'm sorry darling. Go for a shower, then I'll clean it properly and bandage it."

I nodded my head and walked glumly to the bathroom after grabbing some clothes.

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