Chapter 9: Track Cheerleader

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After school, I quickly changed and Cody and I went down to the field where we had track practice.

Cody sat in the stands and started on his homework.

Coach gathered us around him and started training.

"Today is the last day before our big track meet against Northcliff. So I want your fastest times today. Let's start with a jog around the field and then we will time you."

I started jogging when Jake caught up to me.

"Hey man. How's it going?"

"Hey dude. Life was pretty rough, but it seems to be picking up about now." I replied, keeping pace.

"Yeah! I can see so! You two are so adorable that I might just get sick! I still can't believe you are gay. I'm not knocking it mind you. I think it's awesome. You seem much happier."

"Finding the one does that to you." I replied with a goofy smile.

"The One? You have your first boyfriend and think he is the one."

"Don't tell him that though, he might get a big head!" We laughed, "But, yeah, I think he is The One. Think about it though. We have been best friends for so long, I am already comfortable with him. We know each other completely. Why would I try find someone else, there is no one better for me."

We got back to where coach was and started stretching.

"Well then I am happy for you. Don't go rubbing it in my single face though hey!" He joked.

I bent over to stretch out my thighs and spotted Cody staring at me. I stood up and smirked at him. His face went beet red and he hid his face in his homework. I laughed softly to myself and continued stretching.

"Okay! Get into pairs and you will race your partner for 1 kilometre. That is one lap around the track."

"The usual, buddy?" I asked Jake, holding out my hand.

"You know it!" He replied, gripping my hand and pulling me into a bro hug.

"Okay, Micah and Tyler, line up."

They stood in behind then line and crouched, "Ready! Set! GO!" Coach blew his whistle and started the timer. Micah and Tyler raced off the line. The guys and I cheered them on as they left and again when they were approaching the line again.

"Tyler: 3 minutes 8 seconds. Micah: 3 minutes 10. You can do better than that!" Coach reprimanded. "Okay, Jake and Jeremy, you're up. Give it your best."

I looked over and saw Cody talking to the cheerleaders and shook my head amused. We lined up and crouched down.

"On your mark, get set, GO!"

We bolted off and I quickly took the lead.

Breath in, breath out. I reminded myself as I ran with my head down. I felt Jake start gaining on me and pushed myself even harder.

Time flew by as I lost myself in the run. I heard nothing. I saw nothing but track. This was how it always went when I was running. Nothing mattered, it was all about the run. Before I knew it, I was crossing the finish line. I turned back toward coach to wait for my time.

"Jake: 3 minutes 2 seconds. Jeremy: 2minutes 58 seconds!"

Everyone cheered and clapped me on the back.

I heard shouting coming from the stands and turned to find Cody leading the cheerleaders, pompoms and all, in celebration of my run. I smirked and jogged over to him.

"Does this make you my slutty cheerleader?" I asked with a smile.

"Depends," He smiled, "How slutty do you need me?"

"You're perfect." I whispered, still panting.

He smiled up at me and gave me a quick peck on the lips, after making sure coach wasn't watching of course.

I let go of him and jogged back to coach just as the last pair was finishing.

"Okay, I want a slow jog around the field. Let's not overwork ourselves before our competition tomorrow. Remember people. It's the last one of the year, let's make it count."

I took off with a bit of a faster jog than I should, but I wanted to get back to my boyfriend.

I smiled. My first boyfriend couldn't be more perfect. I would honestly be happy if he were my last boyfriend. The best part is that he has been my best friend since preschool.

And then he didn't even push me when I came out as gay. He let things happen naturally.

I reached the end of the field and walked to Cody who was packing up his bag with his back to me.

The temptation was too hard to resist so I pinched his ass causing him to jump up and face me.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, "Careful, next time I might just pull some ninja moves on you!"

"I would love to see these ninja moves." I said, pretending to be pervy.

"Okay, I'm not a ninja."

"Not true. You ninja'ed your way into my arms." I teased lovingly.

"That's true. Are you ready to go home?"

"I am. Are you ready to tell your mom about us?"

"I am! She loves you like a son. And hey, maybe someday you will be. Her son-in-law, I mean."

"Are you planning our wedding already?" I asked, amused.

"Nah, just planning our future. Why wouldn't I want to plan a future with you? Have you seen you? You're hot as hell!"

I just laughed and picked up our bags.

"I can carry my own bag you know."

"Mmhmm." I said ignoring the hint.

We got into my car and drove back home.

I dumped our bags into our rooms then walked out to where Mrs. Teele was in the kitchen making dinner.

"Uh, ma?" Cody approached.

"Yes dear?" She asked.

"Mrs. Teele, can we talk please."

"Sure, what do you...?" She turned around and saw us holding hands. She froze in shock.

"Uh, ma?" Cody said worriedly letting go of my hand.

"No, No, No! Don't let go!" She said then took our hands and put them together again. "This is so perfect!" She smiled, "But now we need new rules. No hiding in your bedrooms alone with the door closed. And no sex in my house."

"That is kind of obvious. That's just disrespectful. We wouldn't do that to you." Cody walked to his mom and gave her a hug.

"Go do your homework now."

We walked towards our separate bedrooms.

I pulled out my books and sat at my desk. I turned when Cody knocked softly on my door.

"Mind if I study in here? I like being near you." He asked.

"Go for it. Do you want the desk?" I asked.

"Nah, I will just lay on your bed." He fell onto the bed with his books and started reading.

I just stared at him. "How am I supposed to work when you are laying on my bed like that?"

He rolled onto his side, taunting me.

I growled and jumped on him attacking him with my lips.

"You're my favourite cheerleader!" I whispered and then went back to kissing him

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