Chapter 25: A Girly Experience

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We arrived at the restaurant and headed inside with everyone else. We sat down and the waitress came to us.

"Hi everyone. I am Jamie. Breakfast is served buffet style so if I could get your drink orders, you will be able to go and dish up for yourself!"

Sarah got an Iced Tea, Ryan and Cody got coffees, Isaac got a Coke and then I asked for tea.

"Tea?" Cody looked at me with a weird expression, "You are so gay!"

"That's not very nice." Exclaimed the waitress, causing us all to burst out laughing.

When we finally settled down, I managed to explain to the waitress, "This is my boyfriend!"

"Oh!" She giggled, eyeing up Ryan. Could this woman be more obvious? She bit her lip and walked away to get our drinks. When she returned, her top button was undone and her cleavage was sticking out way more than was appropriate. She stood next to Ryan to hand out the drinks and then when she set his down, she winked at him and walked away.

"Hey cool! She put her number on my serviette!" Ryan said.

"Well duh! She couldn't be more obvious!" Cody said, irritated.

"Well she had great boobs! She should show them off. If I had boobs like that, I would show them off too!" Sarah said.

"I think your boobs are perfect." Isaac said.

"Well, you saw my penis, show me your boobs!" I laughed.

"You're gay!" She giggled.

"I know, that's why I can give an unbiased opinion."

"Then you need to go shopping with me! It's been so long since I bought new clothes!" She gave me a puppy dog look.

"Nuh-uh!" I shook my head.

"Please!" She begged.

"Oh just go with her, it could be your first chance to feel like a real woman!" Cody joked.

"What could I possibly gain from going?" I asked him.

"You would be being a good friend, and might have a surprise when you get home!" He looked a me meaningfully, I quickly caught on.

"I'm going shopping! But if I have to do that, then I need food! Let's eat!" I bolted to the buffet and grabbed a plate.

After we ate, Sarah dragged me, in her car, to the mall and we went into Poetry. She immediately began grabbing clothes in her size.

"What do you think of this top?" She asked me.

"How would I know?" I asked sarcastically.

"You promised you would be here, so suck it up, buttercup!"

"Ag, the shirt is nice, but I can't imagine you in a low cut shirt! You are more strappy and flowing."

"And you say you don't know fashion! But I am trying to get noticed by more people so I need to have more low cut tops!"

"If they only like you for the low cut tops, they aren't with you for the right reason!" I argued.

"No one walks up to you in a bar and says 'Damn, you got a sexy brain'!"

"True, but try this one on." I handed her a turquoise, keyhole, long sleeved shirt. She smiled and then dashed into the fitting rooms. She emerged and I smiled.

"Perfect." The keyhole on the shirt was bigger than I realised, which worked well to show off her cleavage.

"If I get laid because of this shirt, I will buy you a cake!" She joked.

"Deal!" I laughed. "But we need a short skirt to go with it. Do you have shoes?"

"Yup, I have heels that will go well with it. Now go find me a skirt!"

I went around the store and quickly found a black pleather skirt that would only just cover her ass. I handed it to her in the fitting room and she put it on with the shirt.

"I love it!" She said, still in the Fitting Room cubicle.

"Show me!" I demanded.

"No! It's a surprise for when we go out!" She giggled.

"Spoil sport!" I grinned at the closed curtain. "Now hurry up! I'm hungry!"

"How is it you aren't fat? You are always eating!"

"I work out! Or I used to, before the accident."

She exited the fitting room, "Why not ask the doctor what exercises you can do?"

"Good idea. I have an appointment this afternoon."

"Cool beans. Now let's go eat!" she grabbed my hand and we headed to the cashier.

As the cashier was saying the total, I pointed at something outside the store, "Look! It's a clown!"

Sarah looked outside for the clown, I just chuckled and handed the cashier my bank card to pay for Sarah's clothes.

"I don't see any clow... Hey!" She glared at me, "I could pay for that!"

"I know, consider it a gift. You might get laid because of this outfit, consider it a gift. I have all this money anyway!"

"You're awesome!" She hugged me.

"I know!" I said. She laughed and elbowed me in the ribs.

"So what do you want to eat?" I asked her.

"I could really go for some burgers!" She smiled.

"Good choice!" We walked over to the burger chain and ordered.

"So how is it going with you and Cody?" She asked me after we sat down to eat.

"It's been awesome, it's almost as if the whole Kyle thing didn't happen!" I said happily.

"I'm glad, that was really awful. But you seemed to... Crap!" She stared behind me.

"What's going on?" I asked and started to turn around.

"No, don't turn around!" She grabbed me by the front of my shirt. "It's Clarissa!"

"Why don't you go talk to her?"

"Are you crazy? She is with some guy. She's probably on a date." She replied dejectedly.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and winced. "Ow!" I moaned.

"Oh shoot! Sorry I totally forgot! How have you been feeling?" Clarissa asked, clearly faking concern.

"I am healing fine, thanks." I replied, faking a smile to be polite.

"That is amazing news! And how's Cody? IS it true he is in a body cast?"

I looked at her ridiculously, "A body cast? Really? No! He just has a cast on his leg and ar. He walks with crutches."

"Oh thank goodness! And how is your relationship? Are you still together?"

"Yes they are. We are all in a house together and they share a room." Sarah smiled at her, as if it was the best news ever, causing me to roll my eyes.

" Well that's awesome! I'm happy to hear that. Well, see you later guys!" Clarissa wiggled her fingers at us and flounced away.

I turned to Sarah and rolled my eyes. " You are such a flirt!" I laughed.

" I am not!" She pouted, " Well she didn't even notice anyway."

"Ag, she isn't worth it then. Fine someone else. Maybe there will be someone at college!" I said encouragingly.

" Maybe. Let's eat so we can go home. I want to go look on the internet for a part time job."

We ate quickly and then went home.

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