Chapter 2: School (edited)

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"WAKE UP!" I sat up from my peaceful slumber, where I dreamt about what life dating Cody would be like, with a start, only for Cody to hit me in the face with a pillow. Not what had gone on in my dreams, for sure.

"Gees! Couldn't you have thought of a nicer way to do that?" I grumbled grabbing the pillow and throwing it back at him, hitting him square in the face.

"I could have thought of a hundred nicer ways to do it, but none of them amused me quite as much." He grinned at me, catching the pillow, the evil smirk still plastered over his face. Then he pulled a tongue I swear, even doing that he looks hot. Man, what I want to do with that tongue.

"Ass." I muttered under my breath as I rolled out of bed and rubbed my eyes.

"Why thank you for noticing, I agree. It is a lovely ass that I have back there!" he said, faking as if he didn't understand me.

I pushed him out of the room and closed the door, using a bit more force than intended, my eyes firmly on his ass as he walked out the room. Within five minutes, I was in the kitchen and giving Mrs. Teele a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning, Mrs. Teele." I smiled.

"Morning, Ma." Cody said giving her a kiss on her other cheek.

"Well don't I feel loved this morning! Good morning boys! I made you some French toast. But you need to eat quickly or you will be late for school.

Cody and I both dove into our food, eating as if we hadn't been fed in years. But it literally felt that way for me. Due to the whole incident with my mother, I didn't end up eating dinner, other than the biscuits she had put out.

As soon as I had finished eating, I raced back upstairs to brush my teeth and grab my bag and then raced back down. Cody and I were always competing to see who drove whenever I stayed over. But, by the time I got there, Cody had already opened his door and sat down, grinning at me like he had eaten the last cookie.

"Damn!" I mumbled. "Bye Mrs. Teele. Have a good day!" I called back into the house.

She poked her smiling face out the door. "Bye boys! You too!" and then as fast as lightening she was back inside.

I climbed into the car and Cody took off to school.

After about five minutes of him glancing at me, my curiosity got the better of me.

"What man?" I asked, "Do I have toothpaste on my cheek or something?"

"What do you mean what?" He asked, trying to avoid answering me, staring intently at the road.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" I folded my arms, my toned arms flexing as I do so.

"I just wanted to make sure you are okay." He said quietly.

"Ah, shit, I don't know, man. My head is still kind of spinning. I honestly thought she would be okay with it. Not happy with it, but at least still accept me!" I hit my head back on the head rest, sighing.

"I know, dude, I'm sorry." He gave me a small smile and patted me on the knee. His hand is on my leg, don't react, don't react, don't react. Shit.

Luckily, we pulled into the school parking lot and he had to change gear. We walked over to the spot our friends always hung out at.

"Hey guys, what's happening?" I greeted everyone with a small smile.

"Yo, dude. What has you so down?" Ryan asked, immediately picking up on my mood.

"Yeah, I figured you would be the one to pick up on that. You have always been the sweetie-pie."

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