Chapter 7: True Happiness

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ag that could not be more annoying. Cody rolled over and snoozed it then put his head back down, still on my arm.

"Morning gorgeous." I greeted.

I felt him stiffen as if just realising I was there, before he turned over and smiled. "Morning awesome."

"I'm awesome, am I?"

"Very awesome." He grinned a sexy sleepy smile.

"Listen, about today." I started.

Cody's smile started to slip.

"No, no! Nothing like that. I just wanted to know if we are going to tell people."

"Oh, like who?"

"Well, your mom for starters. And then our friends, the people at school, etc."

"I want to, do you?" He smiled nervously.

"Of course I do! You're amazing!"

We smiled at each other, but stopped when there was a knock at the door.

"Cody? Do you know where Jeremy is? He isn't in his room." Mrs. Teele asked.

"Yeah ma. He got up early and came over to talk."

I smirked, "You are a very good liar, you know that?" I whispered, tickling his ear with my lips causing him to chuckle and push me away slightly.

"Okay, well you boys need to get ready for school. Breakfast is on the table. But I have to leave early so please lock up. Love you!"

"Love you too, ma." Cody replied then sat up. "He looked at me, still lying in his bed. "You're still topless? Nice!" He placed a kiss on my chest and stood up. He walked to his closet and threw it open to pick out his clothes. "Are you going to leave so I can change?"

"Why? Do I make you uncomfortable?" I teased.

"No, but you have to get ready too, you know."

"It's nothing I haven't seen before. We have been best friends for a long time." Then I smirked, "C'mon, just take your shirt off."

"Take it off me." He replied challengingly.

I sat up then winced, "Shit, pins and needles in my arm." I said.

Cody smirked and came to rub my arm. "Poor baby. Let your Pookie fix that for you!" He sat down with my hand between his legs and then rubbed my arm with both his hands.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I said looking at where my hand was sitting.

"Me? Why would I want that? This just feels good." He winked, then leaned over to kiss me, my hand still under his crotch.

I decided to tease him back by wiggling my fingers. When he looked at me accusingly I feigned innocence.

"Sorry, just trying to get feeling in my hand. And oh, what a feeling!"

He frowned at me and pushed me out of his room, but I turned to face him.

"I believe you challenged me to take your shirt off." I smirked. I put my hands under his shirt and ran them up his body, feeling him shiver with pleasure, until I pulled it off his head and kissed him.

"You are such a freaking tease, you know that?" He asked me.

"I do!" I laughed and walked into my room to get dressed.

I threw on a tight muscle tee and some dark wash jeans.

"Now I definitely want everyone to know that you're mine!" Cody said behind me.

I grinned and took his hand and we walked to the dinner table to eat breakfast then we put our dishes in the dishwasher and turned it on.

We brushed our teeth and this time I was the first one downstairs with my car keys, "My turn to drive!" I said proudly.

"Does that mean I get to tease you now?"

"When did I tease you?" I asked defensively.

"In my room... My shirt." He replied drily.

I smirked, happy that he admitted that I got to him.

We got into the car and I drove off, "Listen, I have track today after school. Will you be okay to get Ryan or Sarah to drive you home?"

"Not a chance! Do you wear those shorts to run, and that vest?" He smirked suggestively, "No way would I miss that!"

"Perv." I joked.

"Damn straight!" He put his hand on my lap and ran it up my leg. I looked at him briefly, then tried my hardest to focus on driving. His hand ran across the area where my crotch is and squeezed lightly.

"You are going to cause an accident you know."

"I trust you." He replied warmly.

"Even so, if you keep this up, I won't be able to get out of the car for a while." I hinted.

"Well we wouldn't want that." He said jokingly and moved his hand further down my leg to a more comfortable spot.

Soon we pulled into the parking lot and parked. "Are you sure you are ready to be seen with me?" He asked.

I got out of the car and walked over to his side and opened his door. As he got out, I saw Clarissa watching us like a hawk, and pecked him on the lips. "Of course I want people to know."

Clarissa ran up to us. "Ohmigod! You two are dating? I guess you got over your crush on Kyle then?"

"Shuddup Clarissa. Yes we are dating." Cody looked into my eyes. "Who wouldn't want to date this hunk?"

Cody closed his door and took my hand. I locked the car and we walked towards our friends.

Sarah was literally jumping up and down with excitement and when we were near enough she launched herself at us in a big bear hug. "No way! Are you two...? No way! That is incredible!"

"I know he is!" I teased, causing him to look down and blush slightly.

Everyone congratulated us, but then I felt eyes staring at me and looked up.


His eyes could have burned like a laser the way he was staring at our hands. Cody noticed him and wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing me lightly on the cheek. I smiled down at him.

"Thanks." I whispered into his ear.

"What are awesome boyfriends for?"

The bell rang and we all walked to our separate classes.

"See you at Gym Period?" I asked.

He kissed my hand and walked away.

I walked to Math with a big, stupid grin on my face.

"Him? Really? What about us?" I heard Kyle say behind me.

"What 'us' Kyle? Look what you did to me!" I held up my arm. "There was never an 'us'. I tried and you literally pushed me away and then slept with that slut! Just leave me alone."

"I would come out for you."

"Too little too late." I walked away and headed to class with Isaac grinning.

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