I Hope You Kept Your Promise

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As I wake up I see the guys still sleeping in their bunks, so I decided to cook them breakfast. I hear Angeliet cry so I go change her diaper, take her to the front part of the bus and feed her. They guys caught me playing with Angeliet.

"Someone woke up in a good mood." Tony said.

"Yeah had a good time yesterday." I said.

Nikki comes in yelling like a little kid. "I HAD THE BEST TIME IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!"

"Why is that?" Tony asked.

"Well I know I'm 15 years old, but I lived like a 5 year old."

"Yeah Alexander took us to go eat, mall, movies, and then back to the hotel to swim." I explained.

"Well looks like you had fun." Jaime said.

"What did he say about Angeliet?" Vic asked curious.

"He loved her! He wouldn't let go of her."

"Well thank you for making us this delicious breakfast." Mike said with his mouth full.

"Very welcome. Hey you guys can I play the last show?" I asked.

"Like sing with us?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, I want to show the fans that I'm better now."

"Well you didn't have to ask." Jaime said.

"You are still part of the band." Vic said softly.

"I know. Well lets start getting ready for the next show."

"Its in 5 hours." Mike said correcting me.

"Oh well lets start getting for the day."

I was getting nervous as I heard the kids scream our band name.

"Breathe." Mike tried to calm me down.

"Yeah, lets see if I don't forget." I responded nervous.

"You know the plan, right Becca?" Vic asked me.


"Alright, lets do THIS!" The guys left to the stage. I heard every fan scream. It was amazing.

"Hello Sacramento!" Vic screamed to the fans. "This song is very old, let's sing Hold On 'Till May. You guys remember it?"

The beat started, oh how I missed performing this song. Vic started singing but then he stopped. "Ya know, this song needs a strong voice. This song is missing something. Do you guys know what that is?" He asked very confused. The crowd answered no.

"Yeah! It needs Rebecca!" A male's voice shouted from the crowd.

"Right! Come on out Becca."

I come out to the stage waving my hand. The crowd going really wild. I actually saw some people cry. I go to my mic, in between of Tony and Vic. "I promised!" I said softly. "I want to see a show of hands of who saw a video or heard of what happened in New Mexico and kept a promise I left?" Very little raised their hands.

"Thank you for the ones who did and for the ones that didn't, this is me saying sorry that I didn't seem truthful. Alright! lets have a show!" The song started. I sang every word with passion like if I was making out with the music. I head-banged, crowd surfed, and did crazy stuff on stage. I was happy that I was doing something that I loved.

My Amazing Life... With Band Members Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now