Well, that's news.

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Aleks POV:

Seamus is freaking me out. Me and Eddie walk downstairs and put in the game.

"Hey, you okay? You were kind of freaking out earlier, when James said that."

"Oh, uh, yeah. I'm fine." I say sitting on the couch and waiting for the other guys. Eddie stands up.

"I'm gonna go get them." Eddie says. I nod and check my twitter. Nothing in particular. Eddie runs downstairs.

"What's the matter?" I ask, frowning. He looks pale as he gives me a smile.

"Nothing. They're on their way down." He says sitting on the couch. He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Seamus comes downstairs, a smirk on his face as he sits beside Eddie, his eyes on me. James sits next to me, and I take his hand. He gives me a distracted smile and i frown again. We start the game and play for a few hours, Seamus winning, of course. I give a slight yell, getting second place. Eddie mumbles about how unfair the game was, ending up in last place. I laugh at him and he swats at me.

"You wanna go mate?"

"Hell no, I'm going to sleep."

"Don't fucking wake me up tomorrow."

"Why would I do that?" He says, giggling.

"I lived with you, I know you'd do that." He giggles and goes upstairs shouting a goodnight. James still seems distracted.

"You want to go to bed?" I whisper. He nods, smiling at me. Seamus frowns at both of us and stands up.

"I'm going home." He says, digging his keys out of his pocket. James nods.

"Let me drive you, we need to talk." He says quickly. I frown. Hed rather drive Seamus home than go to bed with me. Fine. That's fine. I get up, brushing past them and head to my rooms, locking the door behind me. Sly, who is also sleeping in my room, looks at me.

"Why aren't you sleeping with James?"

"He'd rather drive Seamus home." I say, angrily. Eddie looks down, becoming pale again.

"Eddie, what the fuck is up? You and James both had that same look when you came downstairs. What's the matter?"

"I saw Seamus..."

"Yeah, we all did."

"What? No, no, let me finish." He says, wringing his hands. "I saw Seamus and James... Kissing." I ball my fists up. That... Fucker.

"James pushed him off though, but said he wouldn't tell you if he didnt do it again."

"I saw the look on his face when he came downstairs, he has no problem with doing it again." Eddie shifts uncomfortably on his bed. Tears well up in my eyes but I blink them away. No one kisses my boyfriend. I love him.

"I wouldn't go right out and ask if Seamus kissed him. Kinda flirt around the subject and see if he tells you." I look at Eddie and lie down on my bed, hands on my face and shaking my head. I hear James come home. Fuck. Nonono. I can't face him, I try to wipe away the tears that were falling down my cheeks. I hear him call my name. I come out of the room and see him frowning at th end of the hall.

"Why were you in there?"

"Talking to Eddie." I say, conjuring up my best acting skills. He nods and grabs my hand. I want to pull away. I want to hide in my room and cry all night. It's not his fault. It's seamus' but why isn't he telling me. Why won't he tell me.

Aren't we in love?

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