Drunk Russian

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Aleks POV

When James falls asleep I get up. I can't cuddle with him right now. His face looks so peaceful but turns to panic as his hands reach out for me. I stuff a pillow in his arms and he cuddles up to it. I shake my head, a tear falling down my face. James is still asleep when I walk out the bedroom. Still asleep when I walk to the kitchen. Still asleep when I grab my keys and leave. Still asleep when I decide against this all. Still asleep.

James POV:

I wake up at noon. Aleks isn't there. I sit up, confused. Usually I wake up first. I rub my eyes and stand up on shaky feet. I open the door and go out into the hall. I wouldn't of expected him just to stand around in the hall, but still I'm a little upset he wasn't here. I walk to his room and open the door. No one. I hear someone rattling something downstairs and walk down there. I round the corner.

"Aleks?" I say, but stop suddenly. It's just Eddie

"I thought he was with you." Eddie says, eyes wide.

"Is he not here?"

"No. I'm sure it's fine though, probably just getting groceries. I nod, and barely catch eddies worried glance at the door.

"I'm.... I'm going to go record."

"Okay. Seamus is coming over soon." He puts an emphasis on Seamus' name. I frown.

"Why'd you say it like that?"

"I saw you and Seamus kiss." He says, a disappointed look on his face.

"I pushed him away!" I nearly shout, he looks at me.

"You didn't tell Aleks, your boyfriend."

"I didn't want him to be upset, or jealous, or angry."

"He has a goddamn right to be!" Eddie shouts, "You're probably the reason he left." I narrow my eyes at him.

"You fucking told him?" I yell. He glances at the door nervously. I take his silence as a yes.

"Oh my god. Oh. My. God! Why didn't he say anything? Why didnt he? I could've explained. Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh no. Nononononononononono." I say, collapsing to the ground, pulling my knees to my chest and intwining my hands in my hair.

"We need to find him." I say, wiping tears from my eyes. Suddenly I get a call from Seamus.

"H-hello?" I sniffle.

"James? Why is there a drunk Aleks yelling gibberish on my porch."

"Aleks is there?!?!" I say, jumping up and grabbing Eddie.

"Didnt answer my question, but yeah." Eddie gets his keys and we run to his car.

"We'll be there soon!" I shout, hanging up. God damn it Aleks. Why do I love you?

Why the fuck did I fall for you?

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