James' Mother

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Aleks PoV:

I get on the plane with James. We're going to see his mom in Pennsylvania. He told me she was very excited to meet me. I take sleeping medicine because I hate plane rides and fall asleep on my boyfriends shoulder.

James shakes me awake. I tiredly look up at him and be smiles softly.

"C'mon, time to meet my mom." James says, helping me out of the chair and off the plane. The sleeping pills hasn't worn off quite yet and the jet lag wasnt helping very much. I tiredly scramble after James and get our bags. We have to rent a car, and since James doesn't drive I get to. We get some coffee to wake me up so I can drive.

"I love you." James mumbles in my ear as we drive towards his mothers.

"I love you too." I mutter, taking a turn into a driveway. James smiles fondly at the house in front of him. James' mother runs out of the house and hugs James tightly. She pulls away from him and looks at me. I realize I probably look like a wreck, my hair is a mess and my clothes are wrinkled and I probably look like I just woke from a coma.

"Aleks, right?" She says with a large grin, much like her sons. I smile and nod. James puts his arm around my waist and his mother hugs me.

She invites us inside and we sit down, eating pizza and talking about James and me.

"Are you guys going to adopt?" She asks nonchalantly. I nearly choke on my drink and James' laughs.

"Mom, we've only been dating a year and a few months. We haven't really decided on kids." He says, grinning at me.

"I can tell you guys will be together and get married. So you might as well plan now."

"How can you tell?" James asks, confused.

"Please, I'm your mom. I can tell who makes you happy and who makes you so happy you're going to burst. And although I just met you, Aleks, I can tell you feel both ways about my son. And I can tell that you, James, feel both ways about Aleks. You guys are meant to be. And you know it. Don't fight it." She says, patting our hands.

"Anyway, enough about that. I'm going to bed, it's about 12am already. You guys are staying in James' old bedroom." His mother says, getting up andeaving the room. I smile slightly, thinking about how she thinks we're meant to be together. Jakes kisses me and we go upstairs.

She's right, James makes me happy, and he also makes me so happy that I want to explode at the same time.

Hey hey hey kids. I decided that this needed some love. So here ya go. Vote, Follow, Share, etc. I love you guys, and check out my new stories! I got a harry potter themed kootraHD story. I also have some SSoHD's that I've heard we're pretty good. So check those out and don't forget to follllllllooooooow.

I smll u -GabbyGir

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