Now, Who's Lucy?

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Dang it guys I told you that if I go on an unexplained hiatus you are to spam the hell out of my inbox. I'm disappointed. Not really. I lost a couple followers though, and now I'm only at 37 instead of forty. And damn if that's not an accomplishment of its own. Anyway story time.

James and Aleks sit next to each other on the plane, Aleks softly humming a song that James can't put a name to, but the sweet sound makes James smile.

Aleks is asleep when they land, and as the planes jerks as the wheels roll onto land Aleks jerks awake, face fearful and softly clinging to James. Realizing where he is, he relaxes and smiles at James.

"The guys are waiting for us right? All of them?" Aleks says.


"A-are we going to tell them?"

"When we get to the house... I don't want to just spring it on him." Aleks eyes flash slightly in disappointment but is soon replaced by guilt.

"What about seamus?" Aleks says in a small voice. James pales slightly.

"W-we can't not tell him. Damn, I don't want to hurt him though." James says sadly. Aleks pats his arm.

"Eddie told me Seamus was dating someone named... Uhhhhh... Lucy? Yeah, Lucy. But told me it wasn't that serious. But we haven't talked since the first day at your moms house, so things could've changed. I hope he's over you, I just don't want him to be sad, I mean, after all that's happened, he's still my best friend, but he's especially still yours." Aleks says with a soft smile and the plane pulls up into the gate, people begin to file out, and Aleks and James are shuffled around before they are actually able to get out of the plane and into the ramp area. James sighs exhaustedly but gives Aleks a soft kiss before shoulderin his bag and grabbing Aleks hand.

"C'mon Aleks, I wanna go hooooooooome." James says, whining like a child and putting a slight pout on his face. Aleks rolls his eyes and they both walk quickly to where the guys wait.

"ALLLLLEKKKKS! JAAAAAAMMMMES!" They hear Eddie screech before catapulting himself at James and Aleks, who even after being catapulted at and almost knocked to the ground, were still holding hands. Jordan and Dan calmly pat the two in the back and joke around a bit.

"Seamus was going to be here, but he was on a date with Lucy instead, I think they're getting pretty serious, this is their like 5th date. We've never even met the girl." Dan says, after smiling gleefully at the 4 guys in front of him. He was a proud man and he valued his friendships with the guys. They all did. Eddie tossed an unnoticed look at Aleks, who was too busy fumbling with the hem of his shirt, still holding James hand with his free one.

Jordan and Dan hurry the 3 along and they make it to the car, Eddie laughing hysterically at Aleks and James faces when he asked if they used a condom at James' moms. James halfheartedly shoves Aleks when Aleks smirks and winks at eddie, making Jordan and Dan start laughing as well. They all pile into the car and start the drive home. They start talkin about new videos on the hub, and Aleks launches into a conversation with Eddie about dark souls, bickering like an old married couple, and James just smiled at his hand, an action that went unnoticed to everyone except Aleks, as everyone else was submursed in the conversation about video games, a conversation which James threw in a few opinions, which were either defended by Aleks or laughed at by Aleks, not cruelly, bit in a way the they were both engaged to be married but were also each others closest friends. When they arrived at the creature house it was a little after 2pm, and James and Aleks decided that they weren't that tired, and decided to stay and record some g things for the hub. Seamus was scheduled to get there around 3, but it was 4 the time that he got there. Dan and Jordan were slightly, very very slightly upset, because they wanted record something with all 6 of the guys, and they had planned this for a week. Seamus gave no reason for his lateness, just merely smiled at everyone when he walked in. His eyes found James and Aleks' hands, entwined, but his smile never faded and he sank down in he spot in the couch next to Aleks.

"How was the trip?" He asked the two men.

"Fantastic, we actually had something to tell everyone." Aleks says excitedly. James looks down shyly and Aleks smiles softly at his worriedness. Aleks kissed him softly on the cheek and whispered into his ear, James nodded and took a deep breath. The kiss didnt bother Seamus at all, and he began to doubt that he was ever in love with James.

Aleks drew in a breath and looked at the guys, who were all staring at him.

"We're getting married." Aleks says with a large grin. The roar of excitement followed and the two men were surrounded with hugs and congratulations. Seamus grinned haplily at his two best friends, excited for both of them. Not the least upset. He was less in love woth James than he thought he was. He wasnt ready for marriage, and he wasnt ready for a long term commitment, not in the way that James and Aleks were. Their future was easy to see, they were going to get married, and have kids. And all the guys were excited.

They arranged to meet for dinner tomorrow to celebrate, and by the time James and Aleks reached their apartment it was around 10pm, and both of them were exhausted.

They shared a long happy kiss before Aleks threw pajamas at James, and procedee to take his shirt off, and then his pants. Slipping on the pajama pants Aleks gave James a grin, seeing that James was blushing in the soft moonlight that came in through the window, Aleks tiredly climbed into the bed and James changed into his own pajamas, still not used to changin in front of other people, or having other people change in front of him.

But as Aleks curled up to his chest, there wasnt anyone else that James would want to share the rest of his life with.

"We should adopt a child when we're married." James whispers, not wanting to cut through the silence and darkness of the room with his loud voice.

"Mhmm, yeah." Aleks says tiredly.

"Adopt a boy. What would we name him?"

"Dean." Aleks said, pressing into James. Soon his soft snores filled the silence.

As James lays awake he thinks about the name. He remembers the dream he had about Aleks, him, and the green eyed baby named dean.

"Dean's a great name." James said quietly, kissing Aleks head, careful not to disturb him, and falls asleep himself.

Wooooo! Next chapter: you're going to meet the alluring Lucy who somehow made Seamus realize he wasnt all that ready for marriage and commitment to James.

Also next chapter, Aleks and James begin the walk down the long road ahead of them; planning a wedding. I smll you -GabbyGir

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