Chapter 1 **

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He had always known that he was fucked up there was no doubt about it, some found it strange the pleasure he got from seeing himself drawl the life out of someone, Other's thought he was crazy and in some sense he was, the things he had done and was willing to do were beyond anyone's understanding, and frankly he didn't give a shit what anyone thought.

He had killed more than he was willing to save, tortured and scarred more than he had wounded.

He was not just an ordinary Alpha he was the psychopathic alpha, With a thirst for blood no one could quench or match. Remorse, was non existence for him, for he was not sorry nor had he ever been, apologies and remorse were reserved for those who could not live with the consequences of their actions, he was a whole different breed, he marvelled at his actions, always trying to find new ways to put those who cross him or got in his way in the sort of misery only he could come up with.


Redric stifled a groan at the sound of his beta's voice.

The fact that Jasper had addressed him by his title was a dead giveaway that something was wrong.... seriously wrong. They had been best friends since their diapers days, and there was a certain blanket of comfortability when they were around each other. Jasper was one of the few people who had the privilege of addressing him by his first name and only ever chose not to when he had something important to say.

Redric stood bracing himself for the news to come, his mood already soured by Jasper's presence .

"Jasper, what the fuck do you want?" He gritted his teeth in irritation.

"There is a problem." Jasper spoke hesitantly.

Isn't there always .

"Spit it out Jasper, my patience is wearing thin." Redric growled.

"The royals need our help it appears the princess has been abducted."

"So?, some spoilt brat goes missing and I am supposed to care, why?." He glared at his beta.

"We need to help find her," Jasper's eyes suddenly sparkled with mischief, "there is a reward, whichever alpha finds her first will be mated to her and become the alpha king."

"Now that's a relevant offer, more power."
Redric smiled wickedly....
the shit he was willing to do for power.
"Why didn't you start with that?" He hissed after realising how much of his time Jasper had just wasted before getting to the actual point.

"Redric, you need to behave."
His mother suddenly barged into his office without so much as a knock momentarily cutting short the pulp beating he was about to inflict on Jasper .

Just perfect! He shifted his attention toward her, there she was standing by the door scowling at him.

"Don't I always mother?."

"Oh you always behave alright!! a psychopath, You're hopeless, maybe if you had found me my future daughter in law, your mate, you know the girl the moon goddess has no doubt gifted you, that would make me so happy," she groaned before continuing rumbling, "one more thing, stop whoring around so much, we can all practically hear your kinky shit."

"You do know the fucking moon goddess tried to end an entire generation of Hartgraves right?"

"Don't tell me you believe that crap your father has been feeding you" his mother responded dismissing his claim with a wave of her hand.

He shrugged his shoulders then smirked "That doesn't matter I guess now you know your future daughter in-law will be more than satisfied in bed, though I suggest you don't expect her to come from the moon goddess because if she does I promise you I will tear her to shreds ."

His mother rolled her eyes at him, "She could come from Pluto and has purple skin and I still wouldn't care, find me my god damn daughter in law"

"Fine" Redrick snapped finally losing his patience with her. The woman had a knack for pissing him off and had she not been his mother she would have been dead a long time ago .

She glared at him for a few seconds before storming off, muttering something about how much of an ass Redric was.

"Redric, she is right man, alpha ...faster, harder please." Jasper terribly mimicked Ruby, one of the girls he occasionally slept with.

"Fuck you Jasper" Redric spat.

"But you know she also has a point about the Luna thing not the mate thing." He shrugged dismissively.

He and Jasper didn't believe they had or needed mates, if he did have one he would just reject her, he saw no point wasting his time on some predestined wife.

"I know Jasper, if someone is going to be your Luna it's her, the princess, her alpha blood will give me strong pups and would probably get my mother to shut up about the whole mate thing." Redrick growled.

"She has a name you know, Jasper spoke in between laughs " it's Lara."

"Let's just hope this Lara has at least one feature I find attractive, God knows I can't stomach fucking an unattractive she wolf."

"Have you ever met her before this Lara chic?" Redric asked him in sudden interest, to think of it He had never seen her, some future alpha queen she was going to be.

The bastard just smirked suspiciously before responding, "Oh trust me she'll definitely be a good fuck"


"Is any one of you going to answer me?," the king boomed at his subjects.
"How exactly did my daughter disappear from this castle?."

"None of you? really?,Taylor, Nolan, Dylan, anyone."

"Since you three imbeciles have failed at the simple task of keeping your future queen safe I suggest you all get out of my sight before I end up killing you."

The king became restless, the thought of his daughter alone in any form of danger did not sit well with him, it tagged at his heart strings like a lethal wolfsbane coated collar.

He had taught her well,
how to hunt and how to fight most of all how to be better than the limitation that came with expectations but even he knew she could not rule alone, Not in a world full of pride and prejudice...
Some would think her too weak to rule others would be to proud to give her a chance to rule.

But how to find her a worthy king?.

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