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Dark gorgeous hair, beautiful hazel eyes

Alec Lightwood couldn't hide the small grin on his face, when the beautiful girl in front of him touched the dead downworlder body with her pink shoe

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Alec Lightwood couldn't hide the small grin on his face, when the beautiful girl in front of him touched the dead downworlder body with her pink shoe. "Is he dead?", she asked with an raised eyebrow. Quickly, she removed her foot and straightened out her clothes. Suddenly the supposedly dead body behind her legs grabbed her ankle, leading her to scream. Prompt Alec grabbed his seraph blade and plunged it into the downworlder's chest, so blood spilled all over Priscilla's white dress. The girl started to lose her balance on her high heels but was luckily caught by the male shadowhunter that saved her.

"I guess my worst nightmare just became true", the Gordan girl muttered, looking up to the guy that hold her. Her eyes widened a little bit when she noticed his beauty. The stranger was much taller than her and tattoos decorated his muscular body. He had dark gorgeous hair and beautiful hazel eyes, which starred directly into her's. Soon he recognised how close their faces were and let go of her, making sure she was able to stand by herself. "What? Seeing people die?", Alec asked, unsure how to react. Normally he didn't talk to mundanes, especially not to ones like her. "No, having stains on my Armani dress which aren't washable."

"Guys you might wanna slow down? Those are five inch-heels

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"Guys you might wanna slow down? Those are five inch-heels." Priscilla Gordan walked behind the Lightwood siblings who tried to explain their world to her. They told her about their assignment as shadowhunters, mentioned the power of runes and confirmed the idea of demons walking through New York's streets. The shadowhunters used to call them downworlders, which apparently included vampires, warlocks, seelies and also werewolves. Now the Lightwoods headed towards an old church, making the girl behind them groan. "To be honest I expected the sewers as your home." Alec and Isabelle stopped in front of the big building, looking at each other. Priscilla used the moment and put her hand onto Alec's shoulder, so she could keep her balance when she took off her heels. He surveyed her amused, leading her to look up at him. "What?"

The male Lightwood smiled while looking at the strange girl. She wasn't able to close her mouth, truly fascinated by the institute, Alec's home. He had to admit that she looked really cute, standing there with widened eyes. His world slowly started to became her's and he sadly didn't even know her name.

"Great isn't it?", Isabelle asked the girl grinning, noticing her brother's stares. She winked at her sibling before she linked her left arm with the girl's right one. "Absolutely", Priscilla looked around and wrinkled up her nose, eying the simple colours, "but maybe you should add some glitter."

After Isabelle left to change her clothes, Alec showed Priscilla around the institute

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After Isabelle left to change her clothes, Alec showed Priscilla around the institute. The dark haired girl walked next to him, her pink high heels in her hand. Somehow the two of them startet talking, having a funny and interesting conversation. "Is there anything else I need to know? Are you also a band member?", Alec grinned down at the tiny girl who smiled amused. The conversation started with Alec asking the girl why she ran into the pandemonium, and continued with her, explaining why she gave her necklace to her cousin and how it ended on Clary's.

"Oh no", Priscilla laughed. The tall guy smiled down at her, quite enjoying her company. It's been a long time since he actually talked about normal things with someone normal. Someone who wasn't his family or not even a shadowhunter. Well, not raised as one. "Let me sum up, you dislike your cousin Maureen because she's clingy and listless, your favourite necklace is around the mundane's neck, your favourite colour is obviously pink and you love glitter. And after all this information I still don't know your name." Alec laughed, making Priscilla realise how beautiful it suited him. The dark haired girl smiled kindly at the handsome boy. "I'm Priscilla. Priscilla Gordan." She reached out her small hand, which he shook carefully. "Alec Lightwood."

"There you are", Isabelle greeted Priscilla, who was talking to the older Lightwood sibling

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"There you are", Isabelle greeted Priscilla, who was talking to the older Lightwood sibling. "I believe this is yours", she added smiling, handing a pretty necklace to the dark haired girl in front of her. "Thank you", Priscilla returned the kind smile and pressed her shoes against Alec's crossed arms, without taking her eyes off of the sparkly necklace. The shadowhunter was obviously overwhelmed with the girl's action but managed to grab the high heels before they fell to the floor. Priscilla seemed like being used to have people around her who carried her things automatically and didn't even look at the Lightwood boy. Carefully she took the jewellery and hugged Isabelle, kissing her cheek.

"I didn't catch up your name", she said smiling, returned by the pretty girl in front of her. "I'm Isabelle but you can call me Izzy."
"Nice to get to know you, Izzy. I'm Priscilla and I'm absolutely in love with your outfit."

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