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Priscilla looked into the mirror, starring thoughtfully at herself

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Priscilla looked into the mirror, starring thoughtfully at herself. She wore a dark blue, slinky dress which suited her perfectly and emphasised her enviable body. Her dark, long hair fell down her shoulders and was straightened but still a little bit wavy. Her lips were decorated by a glittering lipgloss and her feet covered in matching high heels. Concentrated she breathed in and out. Then she took all of her courage and left her room, knocking on Isabelle's door. The Lightwood opened it smiling. "You look stunning", she complimented her friend who smiled back. "So do you", the Gordan told her friend as they linked their arms and walked to the place where Alec would marry.

When they entered the room, Maryse and Robert were talking to Alec who wore a white suit and a black bow tie. The tanned girl had to admit that he looked extremely handsome and she was also happy that he was friends with Jace again, who stood next to him. The two dark haired girls walked into different directions. Priscilla sat down next to Clary who smiled at her. "Hey", the Gordan greeted, noticing that they sat in the front row. "Hey", the Fray replied before she looked at Jace and had a deep eye contact with him but he soon interrupted it. Priscilla heard that the two were siblings, at least Valentine told them so. Then Simon appeared, greeting the two girls.

"Simon you look incredible", the red haired complimented her best friend who smiled. "Thanks, I borrowed one of Raphael's suits", the vampire replied, looking down at himself. "Have to admit he has a great taste in fashion", the Gordan commented and the two friends in front of her nodded before they hugged each other. Priscilla on the other hand could feel Alec's eyes on her which she simply ignored. She also noticed Jace's eyes on Clary and Simon but he quickly looked away, his gaze full of jealousy.

Suddenly a silent brother appeared. "Attention", he said so everybody sat down. "The ceremony is about to commence." Everybody's heads turned to Isabelle who walked in, wearing a long, golden dress, her heels clicking on the floor. Then Lydia appeared with red roses in her hands. She wore a beautiful dress and smiled widely. But Alec didn't. He looked at her, then his eyes wandered to Priscilla, who didn't notice because her head was turned to the blonde. "Wow", Simon whispered as the Branwell stepped forwards, smiling at everyone she passed. Quickly Clary bumped her elbow at her friend, nodding towards Priscilla who starred at the blonde, pain in her eyes.

Then Lydia reached Alec who hold out his hand for her which she took, walking the few stairs up to her future husband. Isabelle who stood next to them noticed how sad her brother looked but still handed the bracelet to Lydia, who took it happily. The bride put it around the tall boy's wrist, that pressed out a small smile, before he looked once again to Priscilla, just to meet her eyes that showed pity, sadness and hurt. The Lightwood gulped when he turned back. Then he took the necklace Jace held, and put it around Lydia's neck while it reminded him of Priscilla, who gave her favourite necklace for his bow. Now he smiled, in his thoughts of the pretty girl his gaze fell on again, admiring her beauty and the pretty dress that suited her perfectly. He stopped watching her but smiled, knowing that she'd hate the necklace he just put around the blonde'a neck. It would never glitter enough for her.

"It is time for Alec Lightwood and Lydia Branwell. Do mark each other with the wedding-union rune", the silent brother spoke up, gesturing towards the soon married people that were holding hands. Alec remembered how often he hold Priscilla's hand and how it leaded butterflies to show up in his stomach. "A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart", the silent brother continued, making Priscilla shiver. She was losing Alec. She was actually losing him. "A union is born." Isabelle handed a stele to Lydia, which she took smiling, so Alec looked at the Gordan again, remembering how he drew the healing rune on her body after she got kidnapped by the werewolves. He smiled reasoned by his memories, then he focused again.

Lydia smiled at the Lightwood when she took his arm, ready to draw the rune on it. Priscilla seemed to explode, not wanting to see Alec destroy his whole life. And he could never be happy if he'd marry Lydia. The Branwell also didn't deserve this. She deserved true love just like Priscilla herself. Priscilla deserved to glitter. So she stood up, before Lydia's stele touched the boy's skin, making everyone look at her. "What's she doing?", Maryse asked, loud enough for the Gordan to hear. Isabelle smiled just like Jace while Alec and Priscilla starred into each other's eyes. Now Maryse stood up, too. She walked over to the tanned girl, obviously angry. "Sit down, now", she demanded but the girl put op her hand to stop the older woman from talking. "This is something between me and your son. I'll sit down if he asks me to."

"You'll be okay buddy?", Jace asked his Parabatai who continued looking into the Gordan's eyes. "Alec", Lydia whispered so he stopped his stares. "I Can't breathe", the Lightwood told the smiling blonde. "I know. It's okay", she replied. "I can't do this", Alec muttered nervously. "I thought I was doing the right thing but this isn't it." "You don't have to explain", the Branwell whispered smiling. "Lydia I'm sorry", the dark haired boy apologised but the blonde put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you deserve to be happy, okay? I'll be fine." Alec smiled thankfully at her before he turned around, facing Priscilla.

He started walking down the stairs. "Alec, what are you...", Maryse started but Alec cut her off. "Enough", he demanded, his eyes not letting go of the beautiful Gordan. He stopped in front of her and put his hands to her waist, pulling her closer to his body before he kissed her with passion, leading Priscilla to put her arms around his neck. She closed her eyes just like Alec, smiling into their kisses.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2019 ⏰

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