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You call the shots babe, I just wanna be yours

"All clear", Alec told Jace as the shadowhunters stood in front of the Pandemonium

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"All clear", Alec told Jace as the shadowhunters stood in front of the Pandemonium. Isabelle looked at her brother's arm, that was still linked with Priscilla's when she linked her's with Clary's. "Do you think red is my colour?", she asked, the ruby Hodge gave them around her neck. "Izzy, with a body like yours, everything is you colour", the Fray replied. "Right, damn, I make this necklace look so good." "Priscilla?", someone shouted from behind, so the group turned around, facing a blonde tall girl. "Alice", the tanned girl replied smiling. "Oh my god, I love your dress!", Alice said, making her way to the shadowhunters. Then she watched the people around her friend, smiling to them. She hugged Priscilla, who kissed her cheek. "We missed you! You didn't show up here the last days." "Yeah, I was busy", Priscilla replied. She looked apologising to the shadowhunters, not wanting to ruin their mission. "Yeah I see", Alice replied smirking, looking at Alec. "I can't blame you to be honest. Well I have to go now, see you tomorrow at Jodie's?" "Oh I don't think so", the Gordan replied while Alec demanded his sister to hand the necklace to Jace.

The shadowhunters walked into the Pandemonium where Priscilla already saw Magnus. She walked away from the group, stopping next to the warlock. "Look who came to join, Priscilla dear!", Magnus greeted, pulling her into a big hug. "I see you brought some friends with you." Priscilla turned around to see Jace and the others coming near them and she smiled brightly to the warlock. "Yes." "So you found out what you are." "I did, my dear warlock friend." The dark haired man smiled, then he looked behind the girl, reasoned by Jace who shouted his name. Jace and Clary stopped in front of the two friends. "Clary Fairchild, growing into a beautiful young woman." "Magnus Bane, so you're the one who stole my memories." "At your mother's request", the warlock defended himself, bumping his elbow into Priscilla's arm because she laughed at Clary's serious voice.

"Show me the jewellery, shadowhunter", Magnus commanded to Jace, holding out his hand. The blonde put it out of his jacket, holding the necklace in front of Magnus' face. He smiled and tried to grab it but Jace pulled it back. "No, give Clary back her memories and you'll get the jewellery."
Priscilla overheard the conversation when she looked at Alec who stood far away from her, next to Isabelle. She had to smile but was dragged back when she heard Magnus excusing himself because he didn't have Clary's memories anymore. "What? Where are they?", the girl asked confused. "I fed them to a memory demon for save keeping." "And why the hell would you do that?", Jace spoke up, glaring at the warlock. "To protect Clary and the cup." Then the two talked about Dot being dead, making Clary froze. Magnus asked her to come with him to protect her, but the read haired denied. The warlock opened a portal, holding out his hand for Clary. "Come with me", he said before he looked at Priscilla. "You too." Jace shook his head to the two girls, as a sign to stay. "I won't offer again." "No, no I won't hide from my problems and neither should you", Clary said.

Suddenly Isabelle started shouting. "Look out!" Just in that moment a man tried to jump at Priscilla, who had panic written all over her face. Then an arrow stuck in the man's heads. Alec ran towards the others, smiling at Priscilla who nodded thankfully at him. "Magnus wait!", Clary shouted as the warlock wanted to go inside his portal. "You're my only hope."
"Are you Alright?", Alec asked Priscilla worried, who looked up to him. "Yes", she replied. The Lightwood kneed down to check the dead man's neck. "He has a circle rune on the base of his neck." "They found us, its not save here, Clary, we have to go", Jace told the read haired, starting to walk away with Isabelle. The dark haired boy stood up, putting a hand on Priscilla's shoulder to lead her outside.

"Jace", Isabelle said when the shadowhunter stood outside

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"Jace", Isabelle said when the shadowhunter stood outside. They all walked but Clary stopped in front of the building. "Clary we have to move." "I'm catching my breath!", the Fray shouted towards the blonde, making the Gordan roll her eyes. She was not ready to die because Clary had to catch her breath. "You know, this is great. And not only that Magnus not get the girl her memories back, he took the necklace, this is fantastic!", Alec spoke up, really annoyed. "The girl? Her name is Clary and I highly suggest to keep your voice down", Jace answered aggressively. "Why? We risk our lives again and again for this girl. And we're has it gotten us? Right, nowhere, we're no closer to getting the mortal cup and we've lost the institute's necklace."

Priscilla couldn't listen to this anymore. It went even worse after Clary stepped in, saying that her mother was missing and she didn't care about the clave rules. The only thing she was useful in right now, was that she had Magnus' button so Jace tried to track the warlock with the help of a rune. "Let's do this Alec", the blonde said when he couldn't find the searched man. "Do what?", Clary asked. "Parabatai tracking", Isabelle explained. "Of course they are."

Alec and Jace took each other's hand, the button between them. "When parabatais track, their power grows stronger. Jace and Alec are gonna track Magnus together. A supernatural light lit up when the two boys touched each other, they were looking directly into another's eyes. "Interesting, just like my hunger grows stronger. I hope Magnus has Pizza at home."
"Found him", Jace whispered, so the shadowhunters continued walking.

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