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Your halo's full of fire

"Come on girl!", Isabelle shouted laughing, a large wooden staff in her hand

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"Come on girl!", Isabelle shouted laughing, a large wooden staff in her hand. Priscilla moved forward to attack the Lightwood but the girl managed it to ward off the blow. The two girls trained at least one hour now, fighting with wooden staffs. Priscilla wore a black sport leggings, just like Isabelle, who combined the trousers with a blue sport bra. The Gordan chose a pink one. "You have to be faster", Isabelle told her friend before she attacked her.
"I hate him!", a loud voice interrupted the fighting girls. They turned around to face Jace, who walked towards them. "Why do I think that he's talking about your brother?", Priscilla asked the girl next to her. "Because he is." The two dark haired girls left the higher platform so they could talk to the blonde shadowhunter. "What happened?" "Valentine spoke to Clary through her necklace. He's with her mother. And he wanted the cup. Alec took the jewellery away from her, drawing a rune to keep it from us", the Wayland explained, obviously annoyed. Isabelle put a hand on the boy's shoulder, giving him a encouraging smile. "I'll go check on Clary", she said before leaving the other shadowhunters alone.

"Alec's just worried but he means well", Priscilla defended the Lightwood but Jace gaze laid on the floor. The Gordan understood why he was angry, so she smiled and used the best kind of therapy. "Come on Wayland, let's fight your anger", she grinned, walking back to the training platform. The blonde boy returned her smile and followed her, grabbing a wooden staff on the way. "Trained to be a good woman to a certain Lightwood?", he asked challenging. "Trained to be good woman to myself", Priscilla replied before she lingered towards him.

"Get off me, fatass", Priscilla laughed after Jace made her fall to the floor, his wooden straff between their two bodies

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"Get off me, fatass", Priscilla laughed after Jace made her fall to the floor, his wooden straff between their two bodies. Jace returned the laugher and helped her up, just as he noticed a dark haired, runed woman watching them. Clary and Isabelle stood behind her. Priscilla tried to fix her hair before she looked down at her sport outfit. How...awkward. The girl saw Clary glaring at her but ignored it and faced the unknown woman, who hugged Jace. "Maryse", the boy greeted her, while the Gordan noticed her similarity to Isabelle and Alec. "Hey it's good to see you", the blonde shadowhunter continued. "How's everyone in Idris? Where's Max?" "No Max, just mom with her hair on fire", Isabelle spoke up, walking towards Priscilla, followed by Clary.

"You have to be Eliza's daughter. Priscilla isn't it?", Maryse asked the Gordan, who was pretty overwhelmed with the situation. "Yes", she replied, nodding. "Mother, welcome back, didn't expect you", Alec said, who walked towards the group, kissing Maryse's cheek. "You should be prepared, whether you expect me or not", the dark haired woman replied, leading Priscilla to raise an eyebrow. Alec's mother wasn't showing any emotion. "I am, we are", Alec made sure, looking between Jace and Priscilla. His eyes wandered down the girl's body, wondering why she only wore sport clothes. Just like Jace. His jaw twitched as the dark haired boy felt jealousy coming up inside his body. Quickly he focused on his mother.

"We'll talk about the institute later, right now we have a bigger problem. The seelies have stopped communicating with the clave and won't explain why. My guess is they're still upset we asked them to send scouts to find Valentine, but no one in their realm will talk", Maryse explained, waking around the shadowhunters. "I have seelie friends", Isabelle said. "Yes, I know about your friends. Isabelle, we stay separate from the downworld for good reasons. The wrong move, the wrong word, do you think there's such a thing as harmless rebellion? Who knows what offend these creatures. Maybe you told him...them something they shouldn't know. Maybe you trod on one of their ridiculous customs without knowing it", the oldest Lightwood snapped, making Priscilla glare at her. She already disliked this woman that talked really disrespectful to her children.

"Wait, I don't understand. They're blaming all this on Izzy for having a friend in the downworld?", Jace asked confused. "When someone upsets the natural order, everything falls apart", the woman muttered, so Priscilla rolled her eyes. This sounded like racism in the shadow world. "Natural Order? What are you saying?", Clary questioned. "I can help. I know how to talk to seelies", Isabelle said, trying to help. "She's right. She can visit Meliorn and see what he knows. I could go with her if you want", Alec suggested. "I'd rather have Jace go along this time. Alec you stay with the Fairchild girl, I want her under control, she has caused enough trouble already."
"Maybe that's because I wasn't even a shadowhunter until a few days ago", the red haired defended herself. "And what an exciting few days has it been", Maryse replied annoyed.

Priscilla couldn't listen to the woman anymore, who started discussing with her son, who still wanted to go to the seelies with his sister. "It's time to face the truth, life is not about what you want to do, it's about what must be done, I have given you your assignments, now carry them out!", she shouted. Priscilla threw daggers at her with her eyes, hating what she was saying to Alec. Life wasn't about what must be done, this woman was just wrong. "You and you, with me, now", Maryse demanded, pointing at Jace and Isabelle. She already started walking away when she turned around, her eyes on Priscilla. "And Alec, keep an eye on this girl. Something's telling me that she'll run away. Just like her mother." The Gordan made a step forwards, smiling sarcastically at the older woman. "What will you do, shackle me?"
Maryse watched her unimpressed. "If I have to", she snapped back, making the tanned girl lung towards her. "Try me bit...", she stopped taking when she felt Alec's eyes on her, realising that the woman in front of her was still his mother, no matter how bitchy she acted. Then Maryse turned around again, waking away just like Isabelle and Jace.

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