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Stop feeling guilty for making yourself a priority

"I'm guessing you're the distraction", Alec said to his sister as they stood in the police department, where a woman sat  on the entrance

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"I'm guessing you're the distraction", Alec said to his sister as they stood in the police department, where a woman sat on the entrance. "I've decided to grow up, remember? No more distracting for me. Besides I don't think I'm her type." Isabelle expected her brother to be the distraction, since Clary and Jace were on another mission, but the tall guy looked at Priscilla. "What?", the girl asked suspiciously. "You're the distraction", he told her, making her shake her head quickly. "I'm not." "She's not", Isabelle agreed. The older Lightwood looked down to the Gordan next to her, before he whispered something into her ears. Isabelle watched them with a raised eyebrow. "I'm the distraction", the tanned girl said after listening to the dark haired boy. "Wait what?", the younger sibling asked but the girl already walked to the office lady.

"Hey", she greeted the middle aged woman, smiling kindly at her. "Can I help you?", the woman replied. Priscilla looked at the police-ID on the table, then she looked back at the woman in front of her. "Lately I've been thinking a lot about glitter. You know, glitter is very important for people, no matter how old they are. That's way I brought some with me, only for you", the Gordan explained smiling. The opened the pocket of the jacket on her arm before she grabbed glitter out of it and threw it all over the woman's desk. "Beautiful isn't it?", the dark haired girl asked, an ironic smile on her lips. As the middle aged looked down and tried to sweep the glitter together with her hand, Priscilla took the chance and threw the ID card towards Isabelle, who caught it smiling while walking away. "Sorry I just can't stop throwing glitter around me", the girl said, when she started her best fake laugh, blinking many times before she followed after Alec.

"This was so strange, she probably thinks you're crazy now", the boy told her, shaking his head. "At least I distracted her. You own me cookies, dear Alec", the girl replied grinning, remembering the words he said to her as he didn't want to distract the woman. "Of course, cookies for the princess", he replied smiling before the two of them made their way over to the café, waiting for Isabelle. "Three of these", Priscilla directed, pointing at the chocolate cookies. The seller handed her a bag filled with the ordered food as Alec gave him the money. After the two of them went outside, Priscilla kissed his cheek smiling, leading him to blush. "Thank you, Alec."

When Clary, Jace and Isabelle reached the two dark haired shadowhunters, the oldest Lightwood turned to Clary

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When Clary, Jace and Isabelle reached the two dark haired shadowhunters, the oldest Lightwood turned to Clary. "Did you get it?",he asked, talking about the cup. The Fray told him that she found the card but still needed time to figure out how she could get the cup out of it. "Guys", Isabelle spoke up as her necklace started pulsing, showing her that demons were near them. Quickly the group started walking, wanting to get back to the institute. "Guys slow down", the Fray said, walking behind them. Then she walked into an old woman, making her bag fall to the ground. "Oh I'm so sorry", the red haired excused herself and reached out for the bag but the old lady soon showed her true face as tentacles came out of her head.

"Grandma!", Jace said with a sarcastic smile on his face. He touched the woman's head, pulling her closer, directly into his seraph blade. "What the hell", Clary muttered shocked. "Language", the Wayland said. "Not in front of the grandma." "How did they find us?", Alec questioned. Just then, a police officer came out of a car, his eyes lighten up in a bright blue. "She brought friends", Jace commented. "Okay Guys, never thought I'd say this but I'm running now." The Gordan did what she said as she saw another demon in human form. The other shadowhunters followed her. They ran down many stairs, Isabelle's necklace still pulsing. "What's the unlock rune again?", Clary asked when they had to stop in front of a garage door. Prompt Jace kicked it open, making the friends ran into the garage.

"Hey what are you doing?", Jace asked his Parabatai as he took an arrow, ready to use his bow. "Pulling 'em off. Take Clary and Priscilla back to the institute." The Gordan furrowed her eyebrows. She was not even thinking about leaving Alec alone. "Alec, if you're staying, I'm staying. We fight together", Jace spoke up again. "Don't be stupid, the demons get the cup otherwise." "I'm not leaving anyone behind", the blonde made clear. "You don't have a choice", the male Lightwood replied. "I know you guys are having a moment but we really have to go", Clary told them, a worried expression on her face. "Go and keep the fireball save, Barbie. I'll stay with Alec", Priscilla said towards Jace, who immediately shook his head, just like the boy next to him. "You're not staying." "Make me go", the Gordan said, a sarcastic smile on her face when she put her hand to her waist. "No worry. It isn't like this is the first time Alec has saved your life and won't be the last. Besides Priscilla trained hard. She's prepared", Isabelle strengthened the two, winking at the tanned girl. "Go", the Lightwood told Jace, so the blonde followed Clary and Isabelle out.

"Ready to kick some demon asses?", Priscilla asked grinning

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"Ready to kick some demon asses?", Priscilla asked grinning. "Absolutely. Also ready to kick your's then because you were stupid enough to stay", the Lightwood replied. "Please, you need me", the Gordan smirked as a demon lunged towards her, that she quickly stabbed with the seraph blade Jace gave her. "Yeah I need you to be save", Alec replied, shooting an arrow into a demon's head. Then another one ran to the girl but she managed to stab her blade into his shoulder before she kneed him in the guts. After that, she pushed her blade into the demon'a heart. "Where would I be more save than by your side?", Priscilla questioned grinning. "I don't know, in the institute probably?", the Lightwood rolled his eyes, shooting three other demons.

"Alec", the tanned girl shouted when she saw at least twenty demons running towards them. "Do you think what I think?", he asked her, grabbing the next arrow. "Absolutely", she replied and they both started running.

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