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She was the type of girl the moon chased and the stars wished for

"You better get ready", Isabelle said after they opened a door, getting the attention of many vampires

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"You better get ready", Isabelle said after they opened a door, getting the attention of many vampires. They managed to close it quickly and now it was their part to be the distraction. The seraph blade in Priscilla's hand lightened up but she stood behind the Lightwoods, after all she never fought against vampires before. Or anything else. Thanks to Alec, she was able to protect herself, using the moves he showed her back in the institute. "That was fun", the male shadowhunter said, after he managed to kill every vampire, with the help of his sister. "Keep coming boys", Isabelle smiled, winking at Priscilla who leaned against the wall behind them.
Worried Alec watched the tanned girl as many more vampires made their way towards them. Even though they were in the majority, the siblings killed one by one.

Suddenly one of the vampires sped towards Isabelle, making her fall to the ground. Soon the downworlder let go of the dark haired girl, just to run towards Priscilla, who had no time left to react. The creature stepped on her shoe as it pressed the girl against the wall, leading her to glare at him deathly. She remembered how Alec told her to use the seraph blade and pushed it into the vampire's chest. Before another downworlder could make his way up to the tanned girl, an arrow stuck in his head. Priscilla's eyes met Alec's and they smiled at each other. Then he took the girl's hand, for her to stand upright again. "Damn he couldn't handle that ass", Isabelle smirked, talking about the downworlder Priscilla killed, when she was high-fiving the other girl.

 "Damn he couldn't handle that ass", Isabelle smirked, talking about the downworlder Priscilla killed, when she was high-fiving the other girl

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The three shadowhunters reached Jace and Clary, who were busy fighting against some vampires. One of them hold Clary against his chest, ready to hurt her any second. "Okay", Alec said and shot an arrow into the wall, so sun was able to come in. Seconds later, the vampire turned to ash.
After that, Jace killed another downworlder, just like Clary who stood next to him, perplexed. "I killed him." Jace smiled at the girl. "He was already dead." "Plus he wanted to kill you, remember that. She did great right?", Isabelle spoke up, walking towards the two. The two dark haired shadowhunters that stayed behind looked at each other. Alec rolled his eyes playfully, making the girl next to him smile.

"Yeah you did, you should be proud", Jace agreed. "Thanks but that's not about me. Let's go find Simon", Clary answered and the five of them started walking. "Found appreciation in badass Clary?", Priscilla grinned at Jace who returned the gesture. "Maybe. Found appreciation in sweet caring but serious, tall guys?" "Maybe."

"Simon!", Clary shouted, so the two shadowhunters focused back on the situation in front of them. Raphael hold a knife against Simon's neck. "Clary", Jace stopped the Fray, putting a hand on her arm. "That's not going to do him any good." "Listen to him, Clary Fairchild", Raphael agreed, suspiciously looking to the shadowhunters' weapons. "Put it away", he demanded, "I've had more than enough of your friend for one day. I'd love to cut his throat, don't give me a reason to."  The five of them put their weapons away. Priscilla watched the pale vampire in disbelief. She knew him a very long time from parties in the pandemonium and never noticed anything strange about him.

"Simon, Simon are you alright?", Clary asked worried. "I wouldn't say alright", Simon was cut off by the dark haired downworlder, holding the dagger closer to his neck and baring his fangs in an annoyed expression. "Stop talking", he commanded. "Would you mind putting the dagger away?", Priscilla asked with a ironic smile on her lips, which was returned by the vampire in front of her. "Would you mind inviting our common friend Jodie over?" "Over my rich, hot, dead body."

"Now if you would all just follow me." Raphael began to back away into the doorway behind him, shouting at the shadowhunters when they wouldn't follow. He lead them to some stairs that seemed to be near the roof since some light was getting in. "Come on, let's go, up here, now!" The vampire stood in a corner and told them to keep moving past him. When they did, Clary spoke up. "Look we're not gonna hurt you, we just want Simon."
"I'm glad you do, we don't, we wanted you." "Well here I am", Clary made a move to jump at Raphael but Jace quickly caught abhold of her arm, pulling her back behind him. "I said wanted, not my idea. Now go." "Not without Simon", the Fray repeated. "Shut up, open the door right now or I'll kill him right here." "Listen to him", the blonde shadowhunter shouted. "But Simon will die if...", the red haired stopped taking when she saw the vampire hiding behind a pipe so that he was out of sun.

Alec shoves the door open and the dark haired girls followed him out, moving backwards to keep an eye on the vampire. "Clary, go!", Simon shouted, so the red haired turned around and ran up the stairs as Simon was thrown to them. "Take him! Go!", Raphael shouted. "I don't know how to thank you", the mundane said. "Don't thank me, you mean nothing. This is about Valentine and the chaos he can bring." Before Jace left, the downworlder looked at him. "Jace Wayland, remember who your friends are. And protect her. She deserves the glitter she spreads." Jace nodded, then slammed the door, knowing exactly of whom the vampire was talking about.

" Jace nodded, then slammed the door, knowing exactly of whom the vampire was talking about

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"Shouldn't we get the hell out of here?", Simon asked nervous. "Why Simon?", Jace asked annoyed while everyone else tried to calm down. "They're right downstairs", the brown haired boy replied. Priscilla looked up to Alec next to her. "Missed him?", she asked smirking, making him smile. "Not even a little bit", he replied but his thoughts weren't about Simon. He was busy thinking about the tanned girl's eyes, which looked extremely beautiful in the sun, just like the rest of her. Always.

"Let them come after us. They'll just turn into a bunch of fried eggs out here", the blonde shadowhunter explained. "I thought you said you watch movies?" Jace turned and walked up the stairs, following Isabelle, who's eyes laid on her brother and the girl next to him, smiling. The four shadowhunters stopped and watched Clary and Simon talking from the roof above. "Way way, the dip to our carrot is back", Priscilla sighed, just as annoyed as everyone else.

"Well, no accounting for taste", Isabelle said while she put out a small mirror and lips gloss and started to reapply. "Yeah, you should talk", her brother muttered from where he stood next to Jace. Isabelle rolled her eyes but ignored him, handing the mirror to Priscilla who smiled thankful but denied the gesture. The atmosphere was tensed. "Look can I just say one thing?" Alec asked his blonde friend. "You will, whatever I say, so shoot." The Gordan acted as if she was distracted and looked around but she listened carefully.
"You think you know Clary, right? But you may not, think about who her father is." "Do not start this again with me, Alec", Jace replied aggressively, looking ready to snap at any moment as his jaw ticked. "She just came out of nowhere, Jace." "She has no one!", the blonde interrupted defending, making Priscilla smile. He really liked Clary.

"Just listen to me for one second", Alec tried but was interrupted again. "Alec, stop!", Jace shouted, now everyone looked up to the two. Isabelle turned around, putting her lipgloss away, obviously don't want to see her beloved ones fighting. Jace breathed out, his eyes meeting Clary's for less than a second. "Just stop."
"I'm older than you Jace, I'm not in your shadow", Alec reminded, his voice and face completely neutral. And he was right, Priscilla thought. Because he was nothing like Hodge. He wasn't in the shadow. He was Alec, the gorgeous, sympathic and handsome Alec, that gave her a home.

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