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Didn't anyone ever tell you it's okay to shine?

"Magnus Bane", Hodge said out loud as he watched one of the many monitors with Izzy, Clary, Jace and Alec sitting in front of it

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"Magnus Bane", Hodge said out loud as he watched one of the many monitors with Izzy, Clary, Jace and Alec sitting in front of it. "Is over three hundred years old." "Please tell me this is a joke", Priscilla commented, joining the group after she took a nap, showered and did her make up. Hodge turned around, facing the pretty girl just like everyone else as she sat down next to Isabelle. "Let me guess, you know him from parties at the pandemonium?", the female Lightwood asked. "Exactly and he told me he was 24." Isabelle rolled her eyes smiling. "As you can see, he's not exactly shied away from the pleasures of every century. His tastes are both, exquisite and quite excessive", Hodge continued, showing many pictures of the warlock that was a friend of Priscilla. The girl shivered when she thought about everyone she used to hang out with daily at the Pandemonium. How many of them were actually supernatural?

"Looks like the downworld's David Guetta", Clary commented. "Guetta is already a downworlder, ever seen him in the daylight?", Isabelle replied smirking. "Can you two focus? This is not a joke", Alec told them, obviously annoyed if the two girls. "Someone needs to get slayed." "Alec's right", Hodge stepped in, looking at all the shadowhunters. "Now, Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known, he has a deep mistrust of shadowhunters." Priscilla stood up. Somehow he did trust her. Maybe he didn't know she was a shadowhunter, just like her. Ignoring the looks of the others, she went into the kitchen, grabbing some cookies before she returned to the others.

"Hodge, your rune, are you Okay?"? Clary asked the weapons trainer while the Lightwoods smiled at Priscilla, who started eating the food as she sat down again. After Hodge nodded, Clary spoke up again. "So how do we find Magnus?" "We don't. Magnus find us." "Or I'll just call him. Coincidentally I have his number.", Priscilla told them. "And you didn't want to tell us any earlier?", Jace asked with an raised eyebrow, making the tanned girl shrug. "I was busy getting cookies."
"Come with me", Hodge directed, the shadowhunters followed him.

Hodge traced a rune on the floor with his stele, a bright red glow following the trip of it. The tile made a sound and the blonde reached to pull it away from the ground, revealing a beautiful ruby pendant with a silver chain attached to the top. The older man gently raised the necklace as Isabelle starred at the jewellery in awe. "Is that real?" "Of course it is. Four-karat isn't it?", Priscilla guessed. "Right. A four-karat, unheated Burmese ruby. And this necklace has a special meaning to Magnus Bane as it was a gift from him to his then lover. Camille Belcourt."
"Isn't that the Katherine Pierce of our century?", the Gordan asked. "Wait Camille And Magnus we're lovers?" "Warlock gets around", Jace replied smirking, just as Clary.

"Magnus bought it in 1857 for the piece of his London townhouse, now, the jewel is enchanted by a spell that alerts the wearer to the presence of demons." Isabelle stretches her hand out to reach the ruby after Hodge explained it's use, caring it between her dark blue painted nails. "Magnus has longed the reunite with this necklace", the blonde man continues as he watched the girl's action. "Offer it to him. He might just take the bait." "Guess I'll just call him then", Priscilla said, earning nods from the shadowhunters around her. "We have to get to Magnus before Valentine does."

"Jace said you wanted to see me?" Clary stepped into Isabelle's room, where the two other female shadowhunters already waited for her

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"Jace said you wanted to see me?" Clary stepped into Isabelle's room, where the two other female shadowhunters already waited for her. "That's right. What are you wearing to the downworlder party tonight?",the Lightwood asked, handing a black dress to Priscilla who sat on her bed. "I don't know I was just thinking about wearing this", the Fray replied, looking down at her clothes. Priscilla stood up and put the dress in her hand away, not satisfied with the colour. Isabelle laughed at Clary's answer, just as the tanned girl behind them. "I don't think so. No downworlder would be caught death on this." "Plus it's a party, not a poetry slam", Priscilla added. The tanned girl grabbed a blue, glittering dress, smirking. "Well I don't really have any party clothes with me so..." "So you have to wear mine", Isabelle finished enthusiastic, smiling widely. She handed a pink dress to the red head.

"What do you guys think?", Priscilla asked the two girls, while she tied up her long dark hair. "Too low neckline, huh?", she asked. The girl wore the blue dress she just grabbed, which suited her very well. "Oh please, necklines have to be low", Izzy smirked, making Clary raise up her eyebrows. "Clary", the Lightwood said, handing a short black dress to the girl. "Okay, that dress is way too tight", the Fray replied. "It's stretchy." "Put it on", Priscilla agreed smirking. Then she grabbed another dress, this time a pink, glittering one. "Fine", Clary replied and Isabelle handed her some matching shoes. "Try these." The Gordan put off the blue dress and put on the pink one. She watched her reflection in the mirror, smiling at herself. "Found my soulmate", she said, so Isabelle faced her, smiling widely. "You look beautiful", she complimented. "And I have the perfect shoes for you."

Priscilla sat down on Isabelle's bed, putting on her glittering Chanel necklace which matched the short dress perfectly, just like her pink high heels and the pink lipgloss on her lips. "You're so lucky to have such a flat chest. I could never wear that without a bra", the Lightwood told Clary, who looked at herself in the mirror. "Really?" "Really?"

"Someone's looking badass", Jace commented as he walked into the room, facing Clary. Priscilla smirked at the two while she put her lipgloss into her bra. She opened her hair, letting it fall down perfectly. "Thanks", the Fray replied. "She cleans up well. I'm gonna go see Alec, he never knows what to wear to these parties either", Isabelle winked at the Gordan before she left the room. Priscilla stood up, high-fiving Jace grinning. "You look good, Gordan ", he complimented, patting her hair. "As always, Wayland", she replied winking before leaving the two lovebirds alone.

"Isabelle? Alec?" Priscilla walked towards the siblings, smiling at them

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"Isabelle? Alec?" Priscilla walked towards the siblings, smiling at them. Isabelle looked beautiful, she wore a silver, glittering dress while Alec was as handsome as always, wearing a denim shirt. The Lightwoods smiled back at the pretty dark haired girl. Alec's eyes glinted. Priscilla looked stunning, kicking every other girl in the shadow. "I'll go and find Clary and Jace", Isabelle said, noticing her brother's stares, smirking. She left the two shadowhunters alone with a last wink to Priscilla. "You look gorgeous", the Lightwood complimented smiling, closing his mouth quickly as he realised what he just said. The girl in front of him laughed slightly and looked up to the boy. "So do you", She replied, a cute smile on her kissable lips. "I see you found the perfect dress. Pink and glitter", the tall guy grinned, returned by the Gordan. "Yes." Smiling, she linked her arm with his, giving both of them a warm feeling. Alec could basically feel the butterflies in his stomach as he smiled down at the shorter girl. "Let's Go."

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