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We don't ask for happiness, just a little less pain

After the two dark haired shadowhunters reached the institute, Priscilla sat down on a table, a cup of hot chocolate in her small hands

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After the two dark haired shadowhunters reached the institute, Priscilla sat down on a table, a cup of hot chocolate in her small hands. She watched Alec, who runed his arrows concentrated. He looked very attractive as he stood there focused, leading the Gordan to smile into her cup, taking a sip of the warm liquid. Her gaze wandered to the seraph blades, next to Alec's bow, then she looked at her nails and her shoes. "Alec", the girl spoke up, looking to the floor. "Yes?", he replied, watching her interested. He had to hide his fascinated smile as he admired her beauty. Everything in her face seemed perfect. Priscilla put her cup away and stood up, grabbing one of the seraph blades which lit up directly. Surprised, the girl widened her hazel eyes. "Can you show me how to use this? I don't want to be useless when we distract the vampires." The Lightwood smiled nodding, putting his bow away. "Of course."

The tall boy put his warm hand on the girl's small one, showing her how to lead the seraph blade. A warm feeling reached his heart when he touched her soft skin, but there was also a fear inside of him that shouted at him, not to show her how to kill someone. To keep her innocent. And out of danger.

Priscilla had butterflies in her stomach as Alec explained her how to protect herself and help them. She enjoyed his hand on her's and turned her head to face him. He stood directly behind her and although the Gordan wore heels, she had to look up to meet his eyes. Together they put the blade to the table, next to Priscilla's chocolate, without stopping to stare into each other's eyes. Both of them had the same smile on their lips, as they realised that their faces were only centimetres apart. Then Alec let his gaze wander down to her lips, a gesture returned by the girl in front of him. Before they got a chance to get any closer, Hodge walked into the room, just as surprised as the two shadowhunters in front of him, who quickly took some steps away from each other. The ex-circle member raised an eyebrow. "Alec?"

"Didn't know you were here", Hodge said but before Alec could explain, he smiled at the two shadowhunters

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"Didn't know you were here", Hodge said but before Alec could explain, he smiled at the two shadowhunters. "Don't tell me, I don't want to have to report you." Priscilla raised an eyebrow, after all she didn't know the blonde man in front of her, who seemed to think the same. "I'm Hodge Starkweather, weapons trainer." "Priscilla Gordan", the girl replied, ignoring the smile he gave her. Something about him was strange. "Gordan? Never thought Eliza would marry your dad. Turns out she did", the former circle member stated. "You knew my mom?", the tanned girl asked, biting her lip. Caring, Alec put a hand on the girl's shoulder, trying to support her. "I did. She was one of the good people, trying to make the world a better place. Even though I was a member of the circle, I didn't expected Valentine's act of cruelty." The blonde held his neck in pain when he mentioned the circle, touching the lighting run; he tried to suppress a scream. "He killed her, didn't he?", Priscilla asked. A part of her wanted to help the hurt man in front of her but she had this crazy feeling in her stomach, which stopped her from moving. Her head didn't trust Hodge, who was nodding.

Priscilla stopped breathing when she realised that everything she was ever told about was wrong. Her mother was a part of this world and it got her killed. Alec carefully put an arm around the small girl, pulling her closer into a hug. It allowed the shocked girl in his strong arms to breath again and she laid her pretty head on his hard chest. Maybe her mom, her family and save place was taken from her, but she slowly found a new home. Alec Lightwood.

"You don't trust him, do you?", Alec asked the girl next to him, talking about Hodge

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"You don't trust him, do you?", Alec asked the girl next to him, talking about Hodge. He noticed the looks she were giving him and also her cold way to talk to him. "Neither do you", Priscilla replied, after all she saw how the boy looked at the blonde shadowhunter. Maybe he trusted Hodge but the tanned girl could sense that Alec thought about the shadowhunter's betrayal, when he talked about Valentine. However, Priscilla decided to dislike the weapons trainer, reasoned by something he said to Alec. "You know that he was wrong, huh?", she asked. The Lightwood looked to the floor, knowing exactly what she was taking about. You remind me of me, Alec. A loyal friend, standing in the shadow of the chosen one. Hey, don't make the same mistakes I did. Look where it got me, Hodge said, leading Priscilla to form a fist. "You're not in anyone's shadow. I threw my glitter about you." The tall boy laughed slightly, bumping his shoulder into the smaller girl's one's. "No one could ever glitter as much as you do."

"Izzy? I got your text, where are we exactly?", Alec asked when he met up with his sister, Priscilla next to him. He handed her a seraph blade, raising a big smile from her which made his heart flutter. "It's an old meatpacker's service entrance. If we go back there, we come up into the basement of the Hotel Dumort. Perfect, right? We distract the vamps, Clary and Jace have time to find Simon", Isabelle explained smirking. "Okay", Alec replied, making his sister scoff. "Okay? It was hard work interrogating with Meliorn to get this intel." The male Lightwood smiled ironically, putting a hand on his sibling's shoulder. "Great Job, Izzy. You have fairy dust on your dress. And I hate being the distraction." Then he turned around and started walking. "I don't", Izzy smirked.

"Is Meliorn the seelie Gigolo?", Priscilla asked, so Isabelle punched her playfully. "He's not a Gigolo." "Oh sure he isn't."

The clicking of the two girls' heels was the only thing audible, as Alec ignored his sister. "You know you'd be a lot happier if you weren't so freaking repressed", she said. "Alec? Hello? You're really not gonna talk to me, aren't you?" Priscilla grinned amused at the Lightwoods, following them closely. "That's because you have no idea what you're talking about." "But I do. You're hiding from yourself, not me. You have feelings, whether you like them or not, Alec." Suddenly both of them turned around, looking at Priscilla who just put her lipgloss back into her bra. The Lightwoods smiled at the young girl, who didn't noticed their stares and didn't pay attention to their conversation. "Tell her", Isabelle whispered smirking but Alec's expression went hard. "This is not the time or the place, Izzy." Priscilla looked up when she finished hiding the make up, raising an eyebrow at the siblings that still starred at her. "What?"

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