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The worst things in life come free to us

Alec and Priscilla walked into a small and homely room

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Alec and Priscilla walked into a small and homely room. The dark haired girl smiled when she touched the cute furniture lightly. It seemed to be Alec's room. Slowly, the girl sat down on his bed, admiring the soft, white blanket. "Not pink enough?", the male shadowhunter asked smiling. The girl in front of him returned the smile and looked up to the tall boy. "I like it. It's homely." The Lightwood sat down next to Priscilla, starring at the floor. "How did you find out that you're a shadowhunter?", the tanned girl asked interested, making Alec look up. "I was born into this. It's normal for shadowhunters, actually. Their parents are also shadowhunters and they grow up with training and fighting. You and the little girl are the exceptions." Priscilla pressed her lips together, Alec watched her reaction closely. "How am I supposed to be a shadowhunter? My parents are mundanes." The girl gulped clearly audible before she let herself sink into the pillows.

"One of them has to be a shadowhunter. After all you were able to see us", the Lightwood replied, letting him sink into the pillows, too. Now both of them laid on his bed, Alec with folded arms on which he laid his head on, Priscilla on her left side, facing the shadowhunter. "May sounding like a bad actor now, but I never really knew my mom." Alec let his eyes wander to her face, with a serious expression. Pity was written into his hazel eyes. "I'm sorry", he said. "You don't have to be. I grew up with my dad, one of the rich, privileged people. Can't complain." Now the Lightwood turned to lay on his side, face to face with the Gordan girl. "Are you always like that?" "Beautiful and stunning?", the girl asked grinning but the boy shook his head laughing slightly. "That was not what I meant. You wear your self-awareness like a crown, letting no one see through it. What's your story, Priscilla Gordan?"

Priscilla's cute laughter made Alec smile. "You barely know me, Alec Lightwood", she responded, imitating his voice. Alec's smile faded as he realised how right she was. Slowly he put his arms back behind his head, laying again on his back.
"Tell me something about you", Priscilla said, trying to keep the trusted atmosphere. "How did you meet Jace?" Alec's expression softened and he started to talk. "Jace is like a brother. My parents took him when he was ten. We grew up together. I could never imagine one of them leaving." The dark haired girl covered her face with her small hands. Not again, she thought.
"If a woman wants to vanish, she can."
"Sorry I... I just wanted to tell you that I'm here if you want to talk. Even though we don't really know each other." The girl smiled, studying the Lightwood's beautiful face. He was gorgeous. "Thank you", she said. "But I'm alright. I guess I wear my pain like lipgloss."

"Is this the least revealing thing you have?", Clary asked quietly after Isabelle forced the girl to wear her clothes

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"Is this the least revealing thing you have?", Clary asked quietly after Isabelle forced the girl to wear her clothes. Priscilla grinned, she liked how the  Lightwood made the red head dress up. "It looks good." "She's right. Also all the naughty bits are covered, a little too much in my opinion", Alec's sister agreed while she grinned at the tanned girl that sat on her bed.
"Where's Simon?" The red haired girl asked. "Who?" the Lightwood joked, "kidding, he's in good hands with the boys."
"And those are in good hands with me", Priscilla spoke up, smirking at the black heels in her hands. She just got introduced into Clary's Problems. A missing mother, a jealous best friend, bad shadowhunters after her and a even worse taste in fashion.

"So, you, Alec and Jace are like family?" Isabelle and Priscilla laughed at Clary's question. She was obviously interested in the blonde shadowhunter. "Translation, you want to know if Jace and I are a thing", the Lightwood said but Clary shook her head. "Why would I care?" "Because you do", Priscilla told her and Isabelle, who sat down next her ,smiled. "She's right. But don't worry, in every way he's like my brother. My parents took Jace when he was ten. We trained together." "And learned to fight side by side", the dark haired girl next to Alec's sister continued, making Isabelle laugh. "Someone had a deep talk with my brother." Priscilla smiled when she thought about the male Lightwood. She enjoyed taking to him, and he was very nice to her. "Nothing special."
"Oh please, come on. Is there another guy we have to talk about or are you just good in hiding feelings?" "What?", Priscilla laughed amused. "This isn't about me. I'm not the only falling in love with guys I know since some hours." Clary watched the tanned girl with an annoyed look on her face. "I'm not in love with Jace." "Sleeping better by telling you that?"
Isabelle high-fived the girl next to her, both of them looking at Clary.

"What about you, Izzy. Any crazy romances or even better, ex boyfriends?", Clary asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Excitedly, Priscilla faced the Lightwood girl. "Ex boyfriend's? Nothing special on that one." "I don't even have one", the read head said embarrassed. Biding the girls looked at the Gordan. "When did this become a girl talk?" She laughed while putting on the black shoes that laid on her lap. They matched her dark dress perfectly. "Only one. Thought he was the love of my life. Turned out as wrong." Although she tried, Isabelle wasn't able to read the girl's face. Her expression was completely neutral, which somehow scared the Lightwood. "What happened?", Clary asked, unsure how Priscilla would react.
"We broke up, nothing dramatic." "And then?", the Fray asked, noticing how the eyes of the Gordan girl darkened. "I focused on myself and didn't look back."

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