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She has that power no one can ignore, she loves herself

"She's one of us", Isabelle said smirking, knowing that she already liked Priscilla Gordan, the girl that ran accidentally into the shadow world, even though she seemed to be a part of it since the day she was born

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"She's one of us", Isabelle said smirking, knowing that she already liked Priscilla Gordan, the girl that ran accidentally into the shadow world, even though she seemed to be a part of it since the day she was born. "You're sure?", Jace Wayland asked. He was the only one of the three young shadowhunter who didn't met the new girl yet, reasoned by his search after Clary Fray. He managed to find her, saving her from a dangerous demon, which got a piece of her. Now, the red haired girl was asleep in the institute, already for some days.

"She was able to see us", Alec strengthened so Jace nodded. "Guess we have two new shadowhunters." The older Lightwood rolled his eyes. He still didn't believe that the red haired girl was one of them and he also didn't want Jace to go near her. Unfortunately Clary ruined their mission. "I like Priscilla, can we keep her?", Isabelle asked with big eyes, making the two boys smile. "Both of them were dragged into our world. There's no chance to keep them out. And guys, give Clary a chance. There's something about her." The female shadowhunter sighed grinning. "Great, Jace gets the red head, big brother gets the beauty queen. Where's my unknown shadowhunter?"

"Jesus Christ", Priscilla whispered smirking when she tried on one of Isabelle's dresses

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"Jesus Christ", Priscilla whispered smirking when she tried on one of Isabelle's dresses. Luckily, the dark haired Lightwood had a great taste in fashion and told her guest to feel like home. Just as she put on some white heels, Priscilla heard the voices of the Lightwood siblings. "I don't trust her", Alec said loud, leading Priscilla to press her eyes suspiciously together. Was he talking about her? "You don't know her, she barely talked to any of us. Jace is right, she's one of us, the seraph blade light up when she touched it. And just like our fashion queen over there, she could see us."
Isabelle and her brother entered the room. Both of them watched Priscilla amused as she starred into her own reflection, thinking about the jewellery she could combine.
The female Lightwood cleared her throat, not sure if the girl in front of her noticed their entering, but the tanned girl continued starring at herself. "Damn", she whispered satisfied. Then she turned around to face the shadowhunters and smirked. "I guess you have some gossip for me?"

The three of them walked back to the centre of the institute after Alec and Isabelle told Priscilla about Clary, who woke up and talked to Jace. "What's going on? Why is there a mundane in the institute?", Alec asked and Priscilla noticed that he wore this serious expression like she wore her glitter.

"Circle member followed him to get here", Jace explained. The tanned girl checked her surroundings, her eyes meeting Simon Lewis, her cousin's crush that was the second part of her band. Rock solid panda. Great, she thought.
He smiled shyly at the girl in front of him, holding his hand out for her to shake. "I'm Simon. Your cousin is a..." "I know who you are", Priscilla interrupted the boy, ignoring his gesture. Then her gaze wandered to Clary, who was talking to the three shadowhunter's. "You're the ginger's boyfriend." The boy with the glasses rubbed his neck embarrassed. "I'm not her..." "whatever", the dark haired girl interrupted again. As soon as she faced the others, her eyes met Alec's hazel one's. Did he watch her the whole time?

"Yeah you're right, now the only person who knows the truth is missing so I don't care about your rules or what's forbidden!", Clary finished up what she was just talking about. "There's gotta be someone out there who can tell us why they've taken my mother."  "There is", Jace answered and walked away from Isabelle and Alec, who stood next to one of the many computers. "You coming?", he asked Clary who approved his invitation.
Soon Simon wanted to follow the two of them but was stopped by Jace. "No, no, no, not you", he put his hand on the mundane's shoulder.
"Hey, we're the package deal!", the Fray girl defended Simon so Priscilla rolled her eyes. "There are runes all over the training room floor that will kill your mundane boyfriend", Jace added, making the tanned girl smirk. "Dilemma", she commented, so Isabelle bumped her shoulder playfully into the other girl's one.

"We're not...", both of Clary and Simon said in the same moment, leading Jace to look at them amused. "We're Just Friends", Simon continued but Clary corrected him:"Best friends." "Oh my god", Priscilla muttered while putting her hands on her temple. Then she tried to do her hair with her fingers. "We got it, Jacob over there won't go between you lovebirds, calm down Edward." The brown haired mundane gave her an annoyed look and touched his glasses. "This is not Twilight but just to make sure, if it was, you'd be Edward, after all you're the one with the sparkly shit on your face." "It's called highlighter, idiot."

"Bring on the runes, what exactly are runes?" Simon asked nervously

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"Bring on the runes, what exactly are runes?" Simon asked nervously. "They give shadowhunters our demon fighting powers", Isabelle explained, grabbed her stele and made the rune on her right arm lighten up. "So hot", Simon commented, so Alec raised an eyebrow and Jace cleared his throat, leading the human boy to correct himself. "The runes." The female lightwood laughed and walked over to Simon. "Don't worry Clary, I'll watch over the best friend", she said and Simons eyes widened. "In fact, I was about to make breakfast." Jace inhales profoundly. "On second thought, the runes might be less lethal."

Isabelle sighted with a smile. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Please excuse my brother's lack of manners. This is Alec", she was pointing at Alec, "And I'm Isabelle." "Lewis. Simon Lewis, two first names. Am I still talking?" The female shadowhunter giggled while Jace spoke up in Clary's direction. "See? Best friend safe and sound here."
"What about me, Marilyn Monroe, I'm bored", Priscilla commented, looking at the blonde boy, next to Clary. The shadowhunter grinned amused, facing her with a side look to the male Lightwood. "I'm Jace, and you can stay with Alec."

"Where are we going?" Clary asked and Jace pointed at the room next to them. "Training room", then he turned to Simon and laid his hand down on his shoulder. "Hey, don't eat the food, dangerous." Isabelle and Priscilla laughed at this and Alec smiled when he watched the two girls. "Hey Jace, coming?", Clary questioned impatient. "Yeah I'm coming", he said.

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