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I'm still hoping it's you and me in the end

"Will I survive if I touch it?", Magnus asked, looking at the sword in front of him

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"Will I survive if I touch it?", Magnus asked, looking at the sword in front of him. He stood across a silent brother, in front of them was a big chair, more like a throne where the woman sat that Priscilla saw before but didn't know. "If you tell the truth", the inquisitor replied, so the warlock widened his eyes before he touched the sword. Priscilla breathed out loud, making Alec next to her smile cheering. "Hey, it'll be alright", he whispered when he took her hand. The tanned girl nodded nervous, focusing on what happened in front of her eyes.

"By the power of this sword, do you swear to defend your client with integrity and honestly?", the silent brother asked with a scary voice. "No argument from me on that", Magnus replied, putting back his hands. The silent brother stepped away when the woman in the throne like chair spoke up. "Make your case warlock." "My case is simple. It is true that Isabelle Lightwood acted against the orders of the clave by trying to free the seelie Meliorn. But she did not act against the interest of the clave." Priscilla was proud of how her friend defended Isabelle, even though the inquisitor didn't make it very easy for him. He mentioned many facts and always stayed serious. "You're out of order", the older woman directed later, but the warlock didn't stop. "No, this whole thing is out of order. It's not Isabelle's fault, it's the cup. Put the cup on trial." Magnus stepped back to sat down next to Isabelle.

Then it was Isabelle's part to stand up and she had to sat down on a smaller chair, next to the inquisitor. Lydia stood up and started to ask questions to the Lightwood, who tried to stay calm. But she suddenly started to talk about downworlders' life, making Priscilla smile proudly at her friend, who stood up. "Consider this! Valentine didn't come out of nowhere. We use our angel blood to justify everything we do just like him. Like him, we forget that we are not only angels. We're part mundane. We can be afraid and fear makes us cruel. And we turn our fear to downworlders just as Valentine did. And just as he did, we'll end up turning on each other."

Everyone in the room was shocked, mostly Alec who even let go of Priscilla's hand, starring at his sister from where he sat. Lydia looked down to the floor while Hodge listened carefully and the Gordan smiled brightly at her friend's braveness. "You think we're doing that to you?", the woman asked, facing Isabelle. "You have to answer that for yourself, Madame inquisitor."

"I'd like to call Lydia Branwell to the stand", Magnus said as it was his turn to defend Isabelle again, who could sat down

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"I'd like to call Lydia Branwell to the stand", Magnus said as it was his turn to defend Isabelle again, who could sat down. The warlock stood up, looking at the inquisitor who faced the blonde. "I don't see the relevance", the old woman replied. "Oh that makes two of us, I don't see the relevance of this whole trial. Miss Branwell, if you'll take the stand." Lydia sat down on the chair where Isabelle sat before, obviously nervous, just like Isabelle, Alec and Priscilla. After Magnus ask his first question, Lydia answered with her excuse for everything. "The law is hard but it's the law." Priscilla rolled her eyes at the blonde, who crossed her legs while she continued talking.

"But that doesn't make it right. We're accusing someone for being compassionate, thinking for herself. She saved a life that was being sacrificed for nothing." Priscilla looked up, completely surprised while she widened her eyes, not sure if this was real. Lydia actually defended Isabelle. "That would be enough, Branwell", the inquisitor cut her off, but the blonde contradicted. "No. It isn't. Look at all of these faces here. A brother and sister who disagree on everything except for how much they love one another. And how loyal they are to each other." The Lightwoods smiled at each other. "A man who took this case, pretending to want payment in rare objects but who really believes that justice towards is friends is invaluable", the blonde continued, looking at Magnus who looked up impressed.

Then Lydia's eyes met Priscilla who smiled at her warlock friend. "A young girl who was dragged into this world by accident, even though she lost her mother to it. Because the clave made a wrong decision. Because the clave got her killed. But she's here, convinced a warlock to defend a shadowhunter, helped a friend through his pain although he managed it to get her through a rougher one." Priscilla gulped, pushing the tears away that wanted to left her eyes, while Alec smiled sadly at her, taking her hand again as their eyes met. "Loyalty. Decency. Compassion. Love. These are the concepts that we should consider to decide guilt or innocence in a case like that."

And then, Lydia took her charges back, so Magnus hugged Isabelle, who had a tear running down her face, while Priscilla and Alec happily hugged each other, enjoying one another's touch and scent. When they let go of each other after a few seconds, Priscilla hugged Magnus tightly, as Alec hugged his sister. "Thank you so much", the Gordan whispered into the warlock's ear. Then she walked to Lydia, who had a huge smile on her face. "Thank you", the tanned girl said smiling. "Thank you so much." The Branwell smiled even more at the girl in front of her but the inquisitor interrupted them. "Silence", she demanded, telling the friends that it didn't change anything.

"She is guilty" , the old woman continued. "The defence was correct. The clave wants the mortal cup. If it is returned within 24 hours, this ruling will be vacated, if not, Isabelle Lightwood will be stripped off her runes and exiled from the society of the shadowhunters forever."

"I'm sorry we've lost the case", Magnus excused to Isabelle

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"I'm sorry we've lost the case", Magnus excused to Isabelle. "Yeah, but at least we've lost it with style", the Lightwood replied, smiling sadly. The two of them stood in a room with Priscilla who leaned against a wall, her arms crossed. Then Alec came in. "Jace and Clary are back. They gave the cup to Lydia", he told the friends, smiling brightly. As no one of them reacted, he smiled even more. "You're free to go." Now Isabelle moved and returned Alec's gesture just like everybody else in the room. "You were right, they came back. You knew", Isabelle was out of her breath as she run into her brother's arms who smiled down at her. "I didn't actually."

"Well my work is done here", Magnus spoke up and took his jacket. He turned around to face Priscilla who still leaned against the wall. "Glitter princess", he said smiling when he walked towards her, hugging her tightly. "I don't know how often I'll say this from now on but thank you." The warlock kissed the tanned girl's forehead caring, a grin on his lips. "Just keep your promise and we're even."

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