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She had the weird habit of being herself all the time, that's why not everyone liked her

"I still don't understand, how can shadowhunters be better than what you people call mundanes?" Clary asked serious

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"I still don't understand, how can shadowhunters be better than what you people call mundanes?" Clary asked serious. "Because we protect humans", Isabelle explained. "Right", Clary turned around, "Humans, you protect humans, you left Simon all alone in the van. Great job guys, you rock."
"There's some truth to the idea that human beings should have a modicum common sense", Alec said annoyed and Priscilla sighed. "Alec not now", Isabelle warned her brother.

"Look, they won't do anything to Simon, they just want to draw you out. They want the cup and they think you have it", Jace explained. "But why do they think that? Why does anyone think that?" "Obviously because you're your mothers daughter, Princess Leia", Priscilla spoke up. "What am I supposed to do now?", the Fray asked out of her breath. "We have to report this to the clave", Alec said and started to walk. "They have to know what we've learned about Valentine." "What? That he's my father? Great, fine, tell them. What good does that to Simon?" Actually Priscilla had nothing against Clary Fray but now she was getting really annoying.

"Clary, it's all connected. The vamps want the cup", Jace explained but Clary didn't understood why. "Nobody wants Valentine forming an army loyal to himself", Alec told her and Isabelle continued. "Plus it controls demons." "They'll propose a trade, Simon for the cup", the blonde shadowhunter said.

"So vampires will trade Simon for the cup and Valentine will trade my mother for the cup. Either way I lose someone I love. Can't I just toss it up in the air and let them fight it out among themselves?", Clary thought, looking down to the floor. "So this doesn't matter to you?", Alec asked her and Priscilla had to agree with him. She was just too focused on herself. "Yes of course it matters!", Clary shouted. "When you saved my life, I put my trust in you. Now I need you to put your trust in me. I can't turn into what you are overnight." "It's true, she was raised as a mundane", Isabelle defended her. "What are you, her spokesman now?", Alec asked with a raised eyebrow. "I don't need a spokesman, I need a plan", Clary responded and Priscilla rolled her eyes. "Drama Lama."

"Why does Alec hate me that much?", Clary asked Priscilla quietly as they followed the three shadowhunters into a big room

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"Why does Alec hate me that much?", Clary asked Priscilla quietly as they followed the three shadowhunters into a big room. They were walking some meters away from the new girls, stopping in front of a big table. "Alec hates everyone", the tanned girl replied, knowing how Alec treated the people around him, except of Jace and Isabelle of course. And herself. The Lightwood was different to her. Nice and caring, sweet and gentle. Clary raised an eyebrow. "But he doesn't hate you."

Ignoring the red haired's comment, the Gordan walked into the kitchen of the institute, grabbing a frozen pizza. She put it into the oven, smiling widely. The girl started the alarm, which would ring as soon as the food was finished. Then, the shadowhunter walked back to the others who already waited for her.

"Look at all this stuff, these screens. I mean, can any of this help me find Simon? Where is he anyway?",Clary asked as the group huddled around the table. "Probably Mystic Falls", Priscilla said. "Actually no. That was Camille's outfit ,right? They are locals", Jace informed. "They're at the Hotel DuMort, down in Gansevoort street", Isabelle responded. "And we came back here? Why? We have to go there! Let's go now, come on", the red haired demanded and Priscilla groaned. "I'm not gonna be a vampire snack because we ran into Hotel California without a plan." The shadowhunters nodded agreeing and Alec spoke up. "From where do you know the vampire?" Isabelle and Jace looked up, interested while the male Lightwood faced her with an unreadable expression. "Pandemonium. We used to hang out sometimes, after all he was a friend with benefits to Jodie, a friend of mine. Didn't know he was a vampire."

"We need a clave resolution for that", Alec then said. "The five of us can't declare war on the vamps all by ourselves", Isabelle stated and gave Priscilla a look, saying tell me more about it. The friends smiled at each other.
"And we can't react without considering our options. Downworlders are slaves to their impulse. We're not." "Alec, you can't stomp on all downworlders", Isabelle argued. "Oh that's right, seelies, have their charm apparently", the dark haired boy added and gave his sister an amused smile, leading her to roll her eyes smiling. "Right", Jace said grinning. "What are seelies?", Clary asked him. "They're like fairies, the fairy folk. Pixies, nixies, elfs, anyway half angel, half demon."

"Izzy can tell you all about them. She's got a thing", Alec smirked at Izzy who returned his smirk, leading Priscilla to smile. The two of them were just too cute. "We've all got our things, don't we?", Isabelle asked, looking straight at her brother before giving Priscilla a side look. Alec looked down to the floor, blushing.

"I can't listen to this, Simon's have been kidnapped by vampires. I guess I'll just take care of myself." Clary walked towards the exit and the Gordan rolled her eyes. "Clary, you're gonna get yourself killed", Jace told her but she kept walking. "Stop it, Madonna, you're gonna get Simon killed, too. Ever actually thought about Simon's health or are you just pretending? Calm down and focus if he's truly important to you", Priscilla spoke up, leading the red haired girl to stop and turn around. "Calm down and focus? Just how you focus on yourself?", the Fray snapped. Alec glared at the girl, ready to say something while Isabelle threw daggers at her with her eyes. "Oh try me, ginger", the tanned girl commented so it was Jace's turn to step in before Priscilla jumped at the girl. He put a hand on her shoulder, giving her a warm smile. Honestly he started liking the handsome girl, so he pat her soft hair before he picked her up and placed her between the Lightwoods, who watched the two amused. "Jace what the...", Priscilla started but stopped talking when Isabelle but an arm around her.

"Clary; somehow Priscilla is right , you're putting Simon in danger." The blonde shadowhunter said calmly. "Then help me", Clary said, walking back to the four of them. "While we consider other options, my best friend is suffered. Is that something shadowhunters understand or am I just being a mundane?" Suddenly a loud alarm rang out, leading the shadowhunters to look into the kitchen's direction, trying to figure out where the sound came from. "Looks like my pizza is ready", the tanned girl grinned before she escaped into the kitchen.

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