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I met her at church but she could be Satan

"Clary what are all these tags?", Simon asked as the four of them reached the loft of Clary's mom

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"Clary what are all these tags?", Simon asked as the four of them reached the loft of Clary's mom. Runes decorated the whole house as a protection. "You see the runes?", Alec answered. "Kinda hard to miss." The brunette boy crossed his arms, starring at the signs on the walls. "For shadowhunters. They should be invisible to most mundanes. When did you get the sight?" The Lightwood walked closer to the other boy, watching him suspiciously. "I don't know but whoever drew these should take some lessons from Clary. Their work is pretty sloppy", Simon chuckled, causing Clary to smile. "This is from where Simon and I were engaged to be married", the Fray put her hand next to a drawing which showed a heart with SL+CF inside of it. The red haired smiled.

"Yeah, who cares", Priscilla spoke up making Alec grin. "I don't", he said, earning a smirk from the tanned girl. Clary tried to open the door but it was closed, making her eye her best friend. "There's only one flaw with your plan here, Simon." "Let me try", he replied, walking to the locked door before he easily opened it. Alec watched him suspicious, just like the Gordan. "Looks like episode one Harry Potter turned to episode 6 Harry Potter", she muttered.

"After you", the Lewis told his best friend, gesturing her to enter the loft. Priscilla followed the girl, while Alec was stopped by Simon. "After me", he told him, entering the building.

After Clary talked about her parents and her destroyed home, Simon noticed something strange on the floor, where he found a hidden lair

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After Clary talked about her parents and her destroyed home, Simon noticed something strange on the floor, where he found a hidden lair. "Is this the box you remember?", Alec asked the Fray, handing her the box he found in the lair. "Yeah." "Let's open it", the brown haired boy said but the red haired didn't recognise any of the things in it. Suddenly a loud noise was to be heard, so the Lightwood walked towards it. "Someone's here. Get what you need, do not move until I get back. We've been here to long." Then he looked at Priscilla. "Here", he said, holding out his hand to give her a seraph blade. "I'd prefer to go with you", the girl replied, but the dark haired boy shook his head. "To dangerous", he answered, taking her hand while he tried to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. "Take it", he demanded, pressing the blade into her hand before he walked away.

"Should we run away?", Simon asked after the three heard a noise from another room. "Not without Alec." Priscilla strengthened the grip on the seraph blade, making some steps to the other room. "Priscilla what are you doing there?", Clary whispered. "Don't move", the Gordan ordered, going into the separate room. Something that wasn't human ran through it, too fast for Priscilla to see it. Suddenly the door was closed and she heard a scream from Clary. When she ran to the room where the Fray stood only seconds ago, the Gordan felt a hot breath on her neck. Slowly she turned around, facing a tall dark haired man with a beard. Before she could even use her weapon against him, he punched her into her pretty face, leading her to lose her balance. She hit a table with her head and blacked out.

Alec's heart stopped beating when he saw the blood on the table that stood next to the seraph blade which he handed to Priscilla

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Alec's heart stopped beating when he saw the blood on the table that stood next to the seraph blade which he handed to Priscilla. "Where is she? Where's Clary?", Jace asked after he entered the loft. "She's gone." "What do you mean gone? And where's Priscilla?", Isabelle asked. Soon she noticed her brother's scared expression, making her realise that something happened to her. The girl's eyes followed the gaze of her sibling, noticing the blood. "Oh my god", she whispered worried. Alec tried to explain the situation to the other shadowhunters, mentioning Simon and the car where he and Clary where dragged into. "What did you do, Alec?", Jace asked aggressively, making the Lightwood frown. He didn't only lose Priscilla but also disappointed his Parabatai. Jace stormed out of the room while Isabelle looked at her brother, pity in her eyes. "We'll find her. It's probably not even her blood." Then she took the bag from the floor, following after Jace.

Clary and Simon were dragged into a café by the two men that kidnapped them, sitting down on a table with them. "Priscilla?", the Fray shouted after another man came in, carrying the senseless girl bridal style. "Sit down!", one of the man shouted when Clary wanted to stand up, looking for the tanned girl. "Tell us where the cup is or sleeping beauty dies", the man in front of the Fray said. "Please don't hurt her, I promise you, I swear to you, I do not know where this cup is", the red haired girl replied in panic. "That's too bad, get away with her." The man that carried Priscilla walked backwards while Clary shouted the girl's name. "Please, she's bleeding, let me help her!", she screamed but the Gordan was already in a separate room. "Tell me where the cup is and I will."

Water touched Priscilla's face, leading her to open her eyes

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Water touched Priscilla's face, leading her to open her eyes. Her head hurt really bad when she rubbed her face, trying to find out where she was. "Look at this, finally with us", the scary looking man in front of her said as he grabbed her hair cruelly, making her scream. "Let go off me, fatass", she snapped, so he smirked. The Gordan looked next to her where Simon hang head first from the ceiling. "Simon", she whispered under her breath, touching her wound. She gulped when the saw the blood on her fingers and the grinning man in front of her. "I need you to scream, as a motivation for your little friend out there", he said. Priscilla watched him disgusted, spitting on his shoes. Angrily the man made some steps forward. "Stupid Bitch." Without any prior warning he took a knife and pushed it into the girl's shoulder. And she screamed.

"Priscilla!", Simon said in a lower voice after he managed it to solve the cuffs on his feet. He kneed down next to the hurt girl, unsure if he should pull the knife out of the wound or not. "I'll get us out of here, I promise", he told her with a warm smile, showing her the phone in his hands. "Call Clary's phone", Priscilla ordered, pressing her teeth together. The knife still stuck in her shoulder while her head was bleeding. "Thought I'd never say these words but thank god it's you. It's me Simon." The boy obviously reached someone, making Priscilla smile. "I don't know some Chinese restaurant I think. They want the cup, they hurt Priscilla, kind of tortured her I don't know what to do." The tanned girl groaned in pain as she started to move, rubbing her forehead. She hadn't enough power to listen to Simon's words anymore but she watched him attentive as he opened the lockers next to them, pulling out some magazines. "We're at the Jade Wolf", he spoke into the phone.

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