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She smiled but her eyes said «pray for me»

She smiled but her eyes said «pray for me»

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"She was just trying to help me. Now she's gone." Clary breathed out, panic in her voice."I'm sorry", Simon said, putting his hand to her shoulder. "You don't understand, Dot is like my big sister." Her eyes met Jace's, leading Priscilla to roll her eyes. Either she was too blind to see Simon's feelings or an ignoring bitch.
Few seconds later, Alec looked at the Gordan before turning back to the others. "It's not save here, we have to go back to the institute right now."  The tanned girl nodded her head. "Yeah, let's have a stop at McDonald's then, I'm hungry." Isabelle smiled at the girl, wanting to respond something sassy but Clary spoke up first. "So what now? Valentine has my mom and Dot and we're just gonna give up?" Priscilla rolled her eyes. Nobody mentioned giving up. "What about my memories? They can't just be gone?", she asked and Jace agreed. "There's another option." "Don't even", Isabelle started in the same moment as Alec said, "absolutely not." The sibling's reaction leaded Priscilla to grin. "I'm interested."

"I'm not afraid of the silent brothers", the blonde said. "Who are the silent brothers?" "Shadowhunters with superior powers." "Who possess the ability to recover memories", Isabelle stated, continued by Alec, "A process that can also kill you, so there's that." "When I die, somebody make sure I have fake lashes on, I don't want to look dead", Priscilla commented so Alec smiled at her amused. Then he turned harsh again. "We've broken at least 18 clave rules and now you want to go to the city of bones? There's no way, I won't allow it", he sternly said to Jace.

"This is not your choice to make", Jace told Alec. "This is Clary's decision." "Jace, you can't ask her to do this. She doesn't know what she's facing. She's not prepared.", Isabelle argued. "Ching Chang Chong would be an option", Priscilla muttered before turning to Clary. "If anyone can tell me another way to recover my memories and get the answers we need, I'm listening." Everyone stayed quiet. "Great, what lipstick colour matches the city of bones?" Priscilla asked Isabelle, making her laugh and Alec smile while raising his eyebrows. "See? Told you she's one of us", Jaces put his hand on Alec's shoulder and pointed at the other new shadowhunter. "And Priscilla some how, too." Then he followed after Clary.

"Why are you one of them but I'm not?", Simon asked Priscilla the second time, thinking way too much about Jace's comment

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"Why are you one of them but I'm not?", Simon asked Priscilla the second time, thinking way too much about Jace's comment. "Because I'm pretty", she replied, grinning seductive, leading him to roll his eyes. This time she let him drive the car, so everyone could relax. Even though she thought she was  a great driver.

As soon as the group reached the city of bones, the six of them left the car. "Yeah, this place isn't creepy, not at all", the brunette human boy said. Priscilla watched her surroundings, she saw fire, it was cold and she slowly wanted to go home. "Don't tell me you're afraid", Isabelle laughed. "Are you kidding? I was born afraid which sounded a lot better in my head."

"Let's check it out", Alec spoke up and started walking. Priscilla watched him with mixed feelings. "Wait here a minute, I want to see if it's save", Jace hold back Clary. Alec gave the Gordan a look before continuing his walk. The tanned girl walked next to Jace, her eyes still on Alec. "See something that you like?", the blonde shadowhunter smirked, stopping next to the girl. "Hand me a mirror and I will", she replied before turning to Jace. "What about you Captain Kirk? Found interest in our little fireball over there?" The blonde rolled his eyes playfully, hitting Priscilla's head carefully. "My turn."

"Clary, come on", Jace directed Clary and Simon to them and the red haired took his hand. Priscilla looked at Simon who also noticed his friend's gesture. She put her hand on his shoulder, her face unreadable. Simon noticed the strange smile on her lips, just like Alec and Isabelle, who watched the girl unobtrusively. "A wise girl once told me: You'll still be art, even if he stops admiring." Alec and Isabelle smiled warmly when they heard how the girl tried to cheer up Simon. The mundane nodded thankful at her, "Thank you", he smiled, not used to her kind manner. "Who told you?", he asked. "Myself."

"I can do this", Clary whispered to herself and Simon agreed

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"I can do this", Clary whispered to herself and Simon agreed. "Yeah you can, you're Clary freaking Fray, you can do anything." Isabelle smiled at the boy's comment but as soon as Simon wanted to walk forwards, Jace stopped him. "Wait, hold up." "Surprise surprise, no mundanes allowed, just like in the training room right? Wrong, I've seen every horror movie ever made and the funny best friend that gets left behind; dead man." Isabelle laughed and so did Jace. "Guess you're save then", Priscilla commented and Jace smirked before pointing at Simon. "She's right, you're not that funny. By all means, go ahead. Of course the minute you enter, you'll die."
"Problem is, now I don't trust you", Simon said looking straight at Jace. "He's not lying", Alec stated. "Now, he was before", Isabelle spoke up and smiled. "The runes' energy in the city of bones will kill any mundane who dares to enter, so please", Alec gestured for Simon to enter. Priscilla playfully hit Alec'a chest, smiling. "Relax, Peter Griffin.I'll be with you." "The brothers creep me out. I'll mind the mundane", Isabelle told them, smiling at Simon, who stood there perplexed. "Did she just compare me to a fat, food addicted guy?", he muttered, making Priscilla look satisfied, noticed by Alec, who had to smile at the girl, which was on the other side noticed by Isabelle, who grinned at her brother's reaction. "Your sacrifice is noted, Izzy", Jace commented.

"I can't be here anymore, so Jace, I'm gonna mind the perimeter", Alec explained with a side look to Priscilla, who crossed her arms to keep herself warm. Then she groaned, eying each of them annoyed. "I'll join him to escape the crazy Jace-Clary, Clary-Simon, Simon-Isabelle thing." While Clary raised an eyebrow, Simon looked down to the floor and the other shadowhunters smiled. "Maybe you just want to join the Alec and his lips thing", Jace whispered, only for Priscilla to hear, who smiled sarcastically. "Jace, from the button of my heart, fuck you."

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