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Gokudera and Yamamoto were in a dark guild. Tsuna couldn't believe it. What could have happened to them to make them join a dark guild? Tsuna immediately blamed himself; if he was stronger in his 'other life', this wouldn't have happened. Whatever that was. Gokudera was wearing a red shirt with black crosses on it and black pants. He also had different sized dynamite around his waist. Yamamoto had on a light blue tee shirt under a white jacket that he buttoned up. His sword rested on his left shoulder. (AN: Actually, you know what? Picture that they are wearing whatever you want. Just know that they are there and they have their weapons.)

Tsuna couldn't think of it long though, because Erza and the others came in. Erza looked fine so Tsuna didn't think she tired herself out, and she went to stand next to Tsuna while Gray went to his other side. Natsu was doing whatever weird thing he does when he's motion sick; it looked like a cross between throwing up and passing out. And Happy was standing near them as he talked to Lucy about something he forgot.

Tsuna was so busy observing the others who arrived, that he missed Gokudera and Yamamoto have a quick conversation.

"Hey, Gokudera, is he?" Yamamoto asked.

Gokudera nodded. "I think he is. You know what that means right?"

Yamamoto smirked. He was about to say something to Tsuna when Erza yelled something.

"Where is Erigor? Tell me where he is!" She stepped in front of the others and gave off her most commanding look.

"I'm right here, Fairy Flies." A voice came from on top of the large, tall clock in the station.

Erigor was sitting on the clock with one of his legs over the other knee. He had black swirly tattoos, a dark blue scarf, and black, dark blue, and white puffy pants.

"Though I have to wonder," He said. "Will five of you flies be able to take on the whole dark guild?"

Tsuna felt himself getting annoyed; all he wanted to do right now was talk with his two old friends, but this guy wouldn't shut up.

"Five?" He asked. "There aren't five of us here. There are nine of us."

Erza snapped her head in Tsuna's direction. "Nine? I thought you were going to say seven. Why did you say nine? Who else is coming?" Erza didn't even take a breath as she asked her questions.

One of the dark guild members laughed.

"What? You don't even know who your allies are? How pathetic!"

Tsuna smirked. "No, I don't know who my allies are. I know who my friends are. I also know that they will not hurt me, in the life before, or now." Tsuna looked Gokudera and Yamamoto in the eyes and saw that they were smiling.

'I can find out what they were doing with the dark guild later-right now, we need to beat them.' He thought as he let his hand catch fire.

"It doesn't matter." Erigor said from the clock. "They're all going to be dead soon anyway. Why don't you follow me if you can, flies?"

With that Erigor disappeared using his wind magic, and the dark guild attacked.

Erza commanded Natsu and Gray to follow Erigor, and everyone else to fight with her. Since it was Erza who gave the command, the two of them ran off with their arms around each other saying 'aye' like Happy. As Erza and Lucy were fighting the dark guild, Tsuna fought Gokudera and Yamamoto. Tsuna swung his hand over Yamamoto's head as he ducked.

"Care to explain what you two are doing here?" He asked as they 'fought'.

Gokudera throw a bomb at Tsuna, which he easily dodged.

Tsuna DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now