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The next morning Tsuna woke up before the others and went to the guild. Before he left the house though, he left a note saying that he wanted Lion to go with Lambo to Edolas.

'I'm going to have to get used to the new guild,' Tsuna thought as he looked at the building. 'Remids me of the Vongola mansion when I first went there. I'm not sure which is bigger though.'

When Tsuna entered the guild he found a small crowd around the bar.

"What's going on?" Tsuna asked.

Mira looked at him with a upset expression on her face.

"The magic council just ordered the Etherion to fire at the Tower of Heaven and Natsu and the others are over there," Mira told him. "And on top of that, the master won't let any of us go over there to help them out."

"Etherion?! You mean the weapon that the magic council uses to threaten us? But if they go through with that, then a lot of people will die!" Tsuna exclaimed. "What are they thinking?"

"It doesn't matter what the fools on the council were thinking," Makarov said as he came down from his office. "Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy, and Happy are over there and they will stop whatever is going on. Tsuna, this is Erza's fight. Don't interfere."

Tsuna clenched his fist and looked at Makarov. He noted that he wasn't exactly happy with the situation either. So, Tsuna walked out of the guild to his training grounds to let out some of his frustrations. But before he got there, he found Gajeel, who was randomly walking around.

"Huh," Gajeel said as he was suddenly pulled by Tsuna. "What the heck, Dragneel!? Can't you see I'm walking?"

"You are the one who said you would go through my training, so we are going to go train," Tsuna said, then thought,. 'And I am going to let off some steam. Win-win. But he doesn't need to know that.'

It wasn't long before they got to the training area; when they did Tsuna turned to Gajeel.

"Alright," he said. "I'm going to test how well you can get out of certain situations."

"Situations?" Gajeel asked before he found himself tied by a rope. "THE HELL!?"

Tsuna then promptly pushed him into the river they were nearby.

"Let the training begin," Tsuna mumbled, and chuckled slightly.


It was the end of the day when Tsuna finally let Gajeel take a break. The latter was breathing hard and covered in dirt and bruises, and was slightly wet.

Tsuna, on the other hand, was perfectly fine and sitting on a rock, watching him.

"What kind of hell training was that?" Gajeel mumbled to himself. "First he tied me up and hung me over a cliff while shooting something at me. Then after I somehow survived that he started dousing me with water and blasting me with lightning. If every time is like this how the hell did anyone survive?"

'Well I definitely know how Reborn felt when training me,' Tsuna thought. 'If Gajeel survives this, he could rival anyone. Though I have to admit, the guy I really want him to beat would be Laxus. Not only does Laxus fight using lighting, which could do great damage to Gajeel because iron attracts lighting so easily. . . but he sorta needs to be brought down a peg or two.'

Tsuna stood up. "Alright, Gajeel, since you have enough energy to complain and wonder how anyone could survive this, you clearly have enough energy to run. How about five laps around Mongolia?"

Gajeel was staring at him in shock when Gokudera came by.

"Tenth, I was told by Master to tell you that the Etherion was fired, but from what we can tell so far, everyone survived," Gokudera said. "Also that the tower was brought down and they should be coming home tomorrow."

Tsuna DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now