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"You wanted to see me, Master?" Tsuna asked as he entered the master's office, which was completed a couple days ago, but there was no furniture in it yet so he had to stand.

In the room was Makarov and Loki. Tsuna was confused as to why Loki was there, but brushed it off, thinking he would find out soon.

"Ah, Tsuna, come in," Makarov said. "I remember you mentioned something about the Vongola rings or whatnot, so I brought Loki here to help you out if he can."

Tsuna turned to Loki; he didn't look like he wanted to be here. Tsuna noticed that he was a little pale and had bags under his eyes. Makarov then left the room after saying that what they said next should be in private.

"So, Leo, how are feeling?" Tsuna asked.

"Loki," Loki said. "You know not to call me Leo, Tsuna. After all, you are the one who named me that."

"No, I was the one who convinced you to join Fairy Tail, your name was all you. Anyways, you didn't answer my question," Tsuna told him.

Loki shrugged. "I feel as bad as any spirit would before they disappear. I still don't know how you found out about me in the first place."

"Simple; after we met, I asked Master Bob. He was more than happy to tell me as long as I convinced you to come here, and here you are. So," Tsuna said. "You should talk to Lucy, I'm sure she'll help you out if she can."

"You know how I feel about that; it's bad enough you know what's going to happen to me, I don't need the others to know to," Loki said.

Tsuna rolled his eyes. "I have a feeling she's going to find out either way. Now to get to the reason why Master wanted us to talk, were you able to find the rings?"

Loki shook his head. "From the description you gave me, some may be in the spirit world, but other than that I got nothing."

Tsuna patted Loki's back.

"It's ok, thanks for trying, and you may want to get on good terms with Lucy before you go. She probably thinks you hate her just for being a celestial wizard," Tsuna told him, and left the room.

When Tsuna walked out of the office, he saw Natsu and Gray soaked for some reason, and Gray was holding a bento. Erza was yelling at them for taking a break, but then noticed the food and took a bite.

Choosing to ignore whatever they were doing, Tsuna decided to check up on Lucy. When he got to Lucy's house he knocked on the door and waited for her to open it. Before the door opened, Tsuna could have sworn he heard Lucy say something like, 'Somebody is knocking? That's a first.'.

"Yes?" Lucy asked when she opened the door. When she saw it was Tsuna, she invited him in.

"I came by to see how you were doing," Tsuna told her, taking a seat in one of the chairs.

"Thanks for the concern, and I'm sorry again for what happened. I honestly didn't think my father would do that," Lucy said.

Tsuna just waved her off. "What's done is done, it doesn't matter anymore."

"I guess," Lucy said, and she put a letter in an envelope, then inside a box on top of her dresser.

"If you don't mind me asking, who is the letter for?" Tsuna inquired.

"It's no problem! The letter is for my mother, she died when I was really young so I didn't really know her, but I still write to her." Lucy said sadly, then paused before adding, "I think my father will try something like this again."

"If he does we'll be ready. We're always ready to defend one of our family members," Tsuna told her.

Lucy shook her head. "I don't want to keep putting you guys in danger. So I'm going to do something about it on my own."

Tsuna DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now