Fifty: Forever Ever

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I hate to say this, but this is the last chapter, guys! It's so amazing how much we as people (Dani and I) have gotten out of writing this for you guys. It's been an amazing journey with a lot of terrible puns, group chats, and pointless conflict. Publishing this is like sending your kid off to college. You know it's good, but you can't let go.  I've known how I want to end this for a long time, and I like it a lot. I hope you lot do as well. I might write another Bastille fic, but not the same concept. I hope you guys have a great morning, noon, day, or night!

-Avery, (@arcticbastille11) and Dani (@danistormer88)


I woke up in an unfamiliar place. Posters on the walls showed the anatomies of eyes, ears, and the hand. My left wrist feels numb as it rests next to me. A collection of stitches decorates my arm. I nearly forgot what happened, but then I remember it all in a haze. Dutch had slashed me in hopes to kill me before the cops came in. I don't understand why, but with his mental illness, it must've made sense to him. My phone is on a table next to me, so I check my texts. 13 notifications.


8:03 AM: (Group Chat)

Jenna: Laura! We heard you're in the hospital! Are you alright?


Maddy: Text us when you feel better!

8:22 AM:

Mom: Dan texted me about what happened. Text me when you wake up, please!

8:29 AM:

Drew: Dan tweeted about you. Why are you in the hospital?? Are you alright?

Drew: Please answer me

Drew: Dont do this. 

Drew: Ugh text me when you wake up.

8:36 AM:

Janna: How are you feeling?

8:42 AM: (Group Chat)

Eat-Ham: Laura, why did you never tell us about Dutch?

MichaelJackson: She's undergoing stitches, you idiot. She can't text at the moment.

Eat-Ham: Sorry! Text us when you can!

8:47 AM:

Dan: I'm in the waiting room. Text me when you wake up, please.


I don't want to reply to anyone but Dan. I love them all, but I can't even imagine how Dan's feeling. I text him first. He's been waiting two hours. I'll text mom next. 

Me: I'm awake.

Dan: I'm coming.

Me: Okay.

Dan opens the door within thirty seconds.

"That was fast." I say.

"Fastest I've ever ran." Dan says, out of breath. "They said I couldn't wait in here, and I really need to see you."

I blush. He's actually too sweet. "Thanks." I say.

"How's your arm?" He asks. 

"Pretty good so far. It's really numb." I shrug.

"They stitched up the..." He pauses awkwardly. "Older ones as well as the new ones all up your arm."

I study my forearm carefully. Sure enough, the cuts go from nearly on my palm to my elbow.

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