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tagged: emkodra
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Grant and Emina spent the whole day together, her showing him around New York being this was like a second home to her.

That was of course thanks to Adam but there was no way she was bringing him or the drama that came with him up.

Her and Grant were having too much fun.

It was like it was them who knew each other their whole lives and everyone around them definitely took notice to that, even the fans who stopped them for pictures.

By the time they reached her favorite restaurant he decided then and there if was finally time to tell her, it was time to come clean.

"What's up?" Emina asked, noticing how nervous he suddenly got, fiddling with his mug.

She didn't know this but in his pocket he was fiddling with the photo of her- the exact one that got him so invested in her.

"I uh... I got something to confess."

Frowning suddenly, Emina crossed her arms, "Oh my god! You did tell Kanye that I stalked him for years!"

Remembering the memory from last night, Grant couldn't help but laugh, "Well yeah, duh. But that's not what I have to confess."

Scoffing, Emina shook her head, "What could be worse than that?"

"Well not worse... hopefully."

Feeling worried now, Emina chuckled nervously, "Okay well, spill Grant. You're making me nervous."

Without a word, Grant took the photo out of his pocket, slamming it on the table in front of Emina for her to see.

Confused, she reached over to grab it, "Hey that's me!"

It was when she actually saw the picture that she really got what he was trying to say.

"Th-this is the picture Charlie lost."

"Yeah." Grant mumbled, "I found it."

"Yo-you- when?"

"A while back. When Charlie just left set. I found it in the make up trailer and- well you looked so beautiful, I couldn't help myself from keeping it."

Scoffing, Emina looked up, "Keeping it? You kept it with you this whole time?"

He nodded, "I wanted to look for you but Candice made a good point saying maybe you didn't want to be in the media- which I know now isn't true so I looked into all the extras that day to see if I could find you, didn't think to look into Charlie."

"Wait." she smiled now, "You actually tried to look for me?"

"Well yeah. I wanted to- I needed to know you. I just- I didn't actually get any luck in finding you until Charlie's episode which is ironic considering this picture has been bringing me nothing but luck."

Smiling even more, Emina couldn't help but let out a small giggle, "I brought you good luck?"

"The best. I brought that with me everywhere."

Sighing contently, she turned the photo to inspect, "You've kept it in such great shape. I-"

She stopped short, seeing what she now knew as his handwriting on the back of the photo which was once plain.

Upon reading what he wrote, she felt her heart race.

"Grant." Emina whispered, him looking up hesitantly.


"Does this say guardian angel?" feeling embarrassed all over again, Grant scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I... yeah."

She could've interpreted it in many ways, she could've made it awkward but one of the reasons Grant loved her- ruining what they had was the last thing she had in mind.

Instead Emina's smile widened, "Well then I have a new idea for my next tattoo."

photograph ⇨ GRANT GUSTINWhere stories live. Discover now