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"He's alive!" Emina cheered the second her boyfriend's face appeared on the screen, "How was the shoot?"
"Tiring." Grant grumbled, "It's 1 o'clock here. I can't imagine what time it is there. Why are you up?"
"Early morning babe, you know this." Emina mumbled, laying down on the massive hotel bed to get comfortable.
"Where are you?" Grant tiredly asked, Emina smiling softly at her tired boyfriend.
"At a hotel in London. My last few stops before I get to see you."
"Yay." Grant smiled, Emina chuckling at how adorable he looked.
"I'm going to let you sleep now."
"Baby no!" Grant whined, only making Emina laugh.
"Grant. You're exhausted. I can see it. Just go, I'll be here in the morning."
"Promise." Emina smiled, "My face will be the first thing you'll see in the morning."
"Good." Grant smiled widely now, "Just for reference, I wake up at 9 am nowadays."
"Already setting an alarm for 2 o'clock here baby."
"Good." Grant smiled more, "See you then. My laptop and I will be waiting."
"Good." Emina repeated the two saying their goodbyes and goodnights before closing their laptops.
And Emina wasn't exactly getting up and ready for her day, she instead also was getting ready for bed.
She had managed to lie to Grant and so far everything was going great.
For a while she had known she'd gotten time off so she could come to Canada to surprise Grant.
She even went the extra mile to make sure Grant would have the day off so they could spend the time together.
Grant didn't know any of this though.
And he definitely didn't know that she was actually in a hotel not too far from his loft with an alarm set early in the morning so she could get to his place before he woke up.
Everything had been working out well so far, she had only hoped her jet lag wouldn't affect tonight and the next morning.
Luckily for Emina, everything was still working out.
She had made it to Grant's just in time, sneaking in easily and even fortunate enough to have Nora and Jett not bark at her.
They instead greeted her with lots of kisses, giving her space as she set everything up before going to Grant's room where he was still fast asleep.
Sighing contently, Emina couldn't help but take a photo of her sleeping boyfriend, taking one last deep breath before carefully climbing on the bed.
Grant wasn't a light sleeper but he wasn't exactly a heavy one either.
And she wanted to make sure she didn't wake him up too early.
Right when it hit 9, she decided then it was finally time to wake Grant up.
Emina leaned down, pressing a kiss on his lips when suddenly Grant's eyes opened in shock, flipping the unknown person to him, pining her down on the bed not knowing it was Emina.
"Wow. You really are the fastest man alive." Emina said out of breath, Grant's eyes widened in realization.
"Wha-what are you doing here?"
"Surprising you. Happy Valentine's day baby."
With that she leaned up to kiss his cheek properly, Grant at loss for words before a smile appeared on his face.
"Aren't I supposed to be the one surprising you?"
"Okay that is so sexist." she teased, already giggling when she saw the look on Grant's face.
"Oh cmon!" he groaned, burying his face in her neck, taking her scent in.
Giggling, Emina shook her head, "Did you like your surprise?"
"Love it." Grant smiled more, returning his gaze to her.
"Well there's more."
"Is there?" Grant smirked, Emina rolling her eyes playfully.
"Yes loser. In the kitchen. Hopefully Nora and Jett haven't eaten it..."
Starting to get up, Grant was quick to stop her, giving her a look, "Let them eat it."
"Grant!" Emina tried to protest but really she was laughing, Grant laughing to.
And well, it was safe to say, their first Valentine's day as a couple was a success.